hedwards: Um, this is happening in the deep south, and being a bad teacher isn't really any sort of explanation to the problem. Occam's Razor requires that it be an explanation. Being a bad teacher is as much an explanation as the fact that the teacher is probably white.
The bottom line is that in the US being a bad teacher really doesn't provide any explanatory power at all for this sort of racist question. Slavery is well known to be a hot button issue and it's not something that's typically going to just slip onto a test by anybody that isn't racist. At very least this demonstrates a shocking lack of awareness about racism that they're supposed to be trained against.
Plus, it's Georgia, they aren't exactly known for being racially sensitive down in that part of the country. I hope that's changing more than I think it is, but a racist southerner is hardly something that's unusual. Hell a lot of them still think that they won the Civil War and downplay the significance that slavery had on their prosperity.
Well your argument seems to be most georgians are racist, the shool is in georgia so this is totally racist. and fail to see how this is a better or more correct argument than the teacher is bad.
Furthermore these questions were part of a history crosslesson, so they didn't just "slip by" or a prank by made by a racist teacher.
My theory is they were made by a teacher who thought the whole crosslesson thing is utter bullshit and so did an halfarsed job because he couldn't be bothered anyways, but had to show the principal that he was doing some "progressive teaching" or how it's called.