Posted April 17, 2013
thanks for the updates Elvin37!
besides the fact shes doing better, dont worry about the depth of updates.
theres Dr. Patient confidentiality as always, if shes cools with mentioning it go for it but besides that dont feel you owe anyone an explanation.
i hate them needles too, but i doubt im in the same level of phobia.
glad you got a chair bed ^_^ so you can camp out there without wearying yourself unnecessarily. and lucky on the wifi!
all the best for both you guys, glad shes been making it through her fears and healing up.
besides the fact shes doing better, dont worry about the depth of updates.
theres Dr. Patient confidentiality as always, if shes cools with mentioning it go for it but besides that dont feel you owe anyone an explanation.
i hate them needles too, but i doubt im in the same level of phobia.
glad you got a chair bed ^_^ so you can camp out there without wearying yourself unnecessarily. and lucky on the wifi!
all the best for both you guys, glad shes been making it through her fears and healing up.