StingingVelvet: I do want to try some dungeons and stuff though, so I will have to group eventually.
thebum06: I suggest you have a lot of spare time before you join one. At least my experience from the beta was that they take way longer than dungeons in most other MMOs, even if you're above the recommended amount of party members.
I really think it took me 3 hours to clear the very first dungeon in a 4 man group (and the dungeon was even advertised as a 2 man dungeon). It was pretty fun though, and I like the way they did the group conversations.
I'm not playing currently, but I think one of my friends is getting it for me for Christmas. He's been asking me to join him for a while now, but I told him I didn't want to pay that much for the game as there are better and cheaper games I'd rather pay for.
What? That's terrible! 3 hours for an instance flies in the face of everything MMOs have learned in the last decade, and not in a good "shaking things up" sort of way.