Posted February 22, 2012
FraterPerdurabo: Eh... Right-wing doesn't necessarily mean socially conservative, nor does it necessarily mean racist.
HereForTheBeer: Which one could easily back up by taking a look at which ideology / party gave more support to the Civil Rights Act. (Hint: it was the "bigoted" GOP.) As Frater points out, it's not as simple as the study wants us to believe. The current GOP, is definitely bigoted, you don't need anybody to tell you that as their own part platform is a litany of homophobia, sexism, islamophobia and general xenophobia. What happened decades ago with different politicians has very little to do with the current situation.
HereForTheBeer: Likewise, I have opinions that would piss off either side, so what does that make me? I mean, I consider myself right-leaning but I advocate for gay marriage rights in civil matters. So I'm dumber than a box of rocks for wanting smaller federal gummint but I'm a fookin' genius because I feel gays shouldn't be treated as second-class citizens? My head all-asplodey!
If you're still voting for GOP candidates either you live in an extremely rightwing district or you shouldn't be bitching about being called out for voting for politicians that hold those views. HereForTheBeer: Anyway, pigeon-holing this stuff is pointless. Plenty of "intelligent" people from all ideologies have done plenty of stupid and harmful things over the years. Plenty of "average" thinkers have turned out to be quite good decision-makers.
At this point, few intelligent people vote GOP as it's not a tenable position to take. It's not just the intolerance it's the incredibly shoddy party platform and the aggressively anti-intellectual stance that they take on things like global warming, evolution and women's rights. It's not a matter of outsiders pigeon holing the GOP, it's a matter of them retreating to more and more extreme views and narrowing their agenda to appeal to an ever more radical subset of their traditional base voters.
These opinions aren't my own, these are pretty much the only ones that one can reasonably have based upon the statements of the party itself with very little interpretation.