Posted January 25, 2013
So the goal of this extremely selfish thread is basicly to find a new awesome singleplayer rpg, i will here list most of the rpgs i've played recently enough for them to be remembered (hated and loved)
READ THIS: no need to read all the textbomb, im basicly just writing a short summarization under, the listing is just to hopefuly explain my taste so some really awesome person can potentially suggest the best game ever that somehow through magic have eluded me.
PS: this is about singleplayer rpgs ofc i will detail it more below.
Games i loved/alltimes favouries:
Arcanum, MM6
Games i definetly liked&Enjoyed:
MM7, MM8, Morrowind, Darkstone, Diablo1&2, fallout 1-3+NV, Neverwinter nights 2(with xpansions)
Games I didn't manage to finish (obviusly something was wrong in my eyes with the game) and why:
Nwn1: This game i really wanted to like, but finishing it to the end was just to hard as the combat is just iiiiiiincreeeeedibly boring, but the lore did draw me to it, so i ended up watching my friend play through the rest of the game when i jumped of in chapter 4.
Wizardry8: another game i really wanted to like, to me the game seemed like a better might and magic game at first, but the idea of unit scaling and how it might end up hurting you just causes soo much frustration for me when i try to make the game easier by clearing all mobs... (also the combat here was very slow paced considering you mostly just thought "just attack the damned mobs"
Slow combat is fine if its due to tactical decissions being made in my mind :)
Skyrim: This game has an awesome enviroment(cosmeticly), but it has so many decissions that just dont fit my personal taste, 1 of them is again scaling, another is how little power you have to design your charechters, and im not speaking of the cosmetic stuff im talking about combat etc, for some reason this didn't bother me as much in morrowind.
Should also be mentioned i tend not to prefere the angle of skyrim (typical gears of war etc) I know its in fallout which I do like, but fallout is very much a shooter-rpg is it's different rules :)
Diablo3: The story is just not engaging here at all, i don't know if its the constant "OMG ACHIEVEMENT!" spams of the game or whatever, but getting a feel of being that charechter in that game is basicly impossible, also it has very little class customization, it is basicly just a spamming slugfest and its very short and expects you to play through the story multiple times (back to the first point on the game)
Baldurs gate: I couldn't love this game, i hated how you couldn't continously build on your charechter (i know it's a bit like morrowind in that sense, but as i said previusly morrowind just got away with it...somehow) I also believe i just tried the game way to late in my life, and the mechanics and graphics were so outdated that it was hard to get into at that point (whereas if you try it early, fall in love etc, then coming back to a game tends to be much easier)
Icewind dale: When i tried this game, i realised the mechanics of this game were just NEVER gonna make me really learn to play it, the mechanics combined with the 90s graphics that is, I generally do not consider myself a graphics whore, but getting into really old games can be really hard if its the first time you see it.
Im looking for a Single player RPG with focus on Class customization (stats distrubutation/skills that sort of thing)
Games where you controll an entire party is very much welcome :) as that tends to be the way i lean. And the game basicly cant have unit scaling as that just....ruins it for me.
READ THIS: no need to read all the textbomb, im basicly just writing a short summarization under, the listing is just to hopefuly explain my taste so some really awesome person can potentially suggest the best game ever that somehow through magic have eluded me.
PS: this is about singleplayer rpgs ofc i will detail it more below.
Games i loved/alltimes favouries:
Arcanum, MM6
Games i definetly liked&Enjoyed:
MM7, MM8, Morrowind, Darkstone, Diablo1&2, fallout 1-3+NV, Neverwinter nights 2(with xpansions)
Games I didn't manage to finish (obviusly something was wrong in my eyes with the game) and why:
Nwn1: This game i really wanted to like, but finishing it to the end was just to hard as the combat is just iiiiiiincreeeeedibly boring, but the lore did draw me to it, so i ended up watching my friend play through the rest of the game when i jumped of in chapter 4.
Wizardry8: another game i really wanted to like, to me the game seemed like a better might and magic game at first, but the idea of unit scaling and how it might end up hurting you just causes soo much frustration for me when i try to make the game easier by clearing all mobs... (also the combat here was very slow paced considering you mostly just thought "just attack the damned mobs"
Slow combat is fine if its due to tactical decissions being made in my mind :)
Skyrim: This game has an awesome enviroment(cosmeticly), but it has so many decissions that just dont fit my personal taste, 1 of them is again scaling, another is how little power you have to design your charechters, and im not speaking of the cosmetic stuff im talking about combat etc, for some reason this didn't bother me as much in morrowind.
Should also be mentioned i tend not to prefere the angle of skyrim (typical gears of war etc) I know its in fallout which I do like, but fallout is very much a shooter-rpg is it's different rules :)
Diablo3: The story is just not engaging here at all, i don't know if its the constant "OMG ACHIEVEMENT!" spams of the game or whatever, but getting a feel of being that charechter in that game is basicly impossible, also it has very little class customization, it is basicly just a spamming slugfest and its very short and expects you to play through the story multiple times (back to the first point on the game)
Baldurs gate: I couldn't love this game, i hated how you couldn't continously build on your charechter (i know it's a bit like morrowind in that sense, but as i said previusly morrowind just got away with it...somehow) I also believe i just tried the game way to late in my life, and the mechanics and graphics were so outdated that it was hard to get into at that point (whereas if you try it early, fall in love etc, then coming back to a game tends to be much easier)
Icewind dale: When i tried this game, i realised the mechanics of this game were just NEVER gonna make me really learn to play it, the mechanics combined with the 90s graphics that is, I generally do not consider myself a graphics whore, but getting into really old games can be really hard if its the first time you see it.
Im looking for a Single player RPG with focus on Class customization (stats distrubutation/skills that sort of thing)
Games where you controll an entire party is very much welcome :) as that tends to be the way i lean. And the game basicly cant have unit scaling as that just....ruins it for me.