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Your priority at this time must be playing Planescape: Torment, which has the best storyline of any RPG ever made. Afterwards- Divine Divinity, Sacred, Titan Quest and Gothic 1+2.
Licurg: Your priority at this time must be playing Planescape: Torment, which has the best storyline of any RPG ever made. Afterwards- Divine Divinity, Sacred, Titan Quest and Gothic 1+2.
There you are. Sacrifice is more RTS but I wouldn't go above saying it has some RPG stuff in there. Am I wrong? It might be a good suggestion. I'm not being smart ass, I mean that.
Licurg: Your priority at this time must be playing Planescape: Torment, which has the best storyline of any RPG ever made. Afterwards- Divine Divinity, Sacred, Titan Quest and Gothic 1+2.
tinyE: There you are. Sacrifice is more RTS but I wouldn't go above saying it has some RPG stuff in there. Am I wrong? It might be a good suggestion. I'm not being smart ass, I mean that.
Erm... Sacrifice is an Action/RTS. It has some RPG elements, but I wouldn't call it an RPG.
pi4t: Sounds like you might enjoy the Avernum/Geneforge serieses, if you can get over the graphics being...suboptimal. The good news is that they contain fairly extensive demos on the developer's site, and are also both on GOG! They're also very long, and there's a lot of each (all packaged together by GOG), so if you do like them there's a lot of playtime available.
This is not really a bad idea but I would say you could something similar. The op mentioned that he had a tough time with NWN at the end. If you think that NWN is hard, you will have a REALLY tough time if you don't build your character correctly in the old school Avernum/Geneforge games. Its an excellent system if you know how to build a character, but if you don't build a damn good character and specialize, it will be 5 times harder than Neverwinter Nights.

I would recommend playing Avernum Escape from the Pit from spiderweb's site as its a great game and offers a great amount of upgrades/features the old game doesn't.

Also if you don't like that, they have Avadon-The Black Fortress, so far, my favorite spiderweb game made. Its got an excellent story and really cool characters to interact with, cool dilemmas and imo is much more fun than baldurs gate.
Another vote for Gragon Age: Origins - I'm about 80 hours in at the moment and enjoying it thoroughly.

P.S. And this too: Avadon-The Black Fortress - another one I spent a long time in and had a great time.
Post edited January 25, 2013 by brianhutchison
Whilst I'm not an RPG person, I'd suggest Torchlight II. I didn't like it but it sounds right up your alley. There's a demo on Steam if you so desire aswell.
Wow much larger respones than i would have though, thanks :) (will take some times to read up on/check out all of these though)

I will say i prefere games leaning more towards Arcanum style then the diablo 1 :p

Now to go through the answeres (the 1s i havent heard of cannot get a response as they will have to be youtube watched/tried first)

Fable: Hated it

In the Vampire masquerade series I tried "Bloodlines" in my time, but couldn't really get into it, just felt lacking even though i wouldn't call it a bad game.

Oblivion i watched my friend play, and as i previusly stated I REALLY HATE SCALING oblivion kinda has the hardest scaling ever (my friend walked back and faught some of the goblins from the start when he was halfway done, they were actually harder to defeat the 2nd time)

Fallout New vegas has been played, and i agree its much better then fallout 3 (i shortened it with NV :=) )

Divine Divinity? Is this the prequel to divinity 2? (or are toes different series?) I did watch a friend play divinity to, didn't really look like my game :\

Torchlight just isn't that big to me it suffers from some of the same problems as Diablo3, allthogh it is definetly a much better game.

NOW I will seem like the douchiest and most negative person on the world, but know that these are the games i heard of so naturally the answere will eiter be "not for me" or "played it" Il now have to go through the others :)
(Il naturally report once I have done so)
I really apriciate the answeres guys thank you :)
tinyE: I'd like to 2nd KOTOR 1 and while I saw Morrowind & Skyrim on your list I did not see ES4 Oblivion. I just started playing Morrowind and to be honest I like it more than Oblivion but make no mistake, Oblivion is a GREAT game! I would mention its specs, they were a problem for me, but if you've played Skyrim, Oblivion should run smooth as silk.

Also, give Torchlight a run. It's a Diablo clone and a simple one, but I adore it AND it's available on GoG for a great price.
tsgnurk: Divine Divinity? Is this the prequel to divinity 2? (or are toes different series?)
Divine Divinity is in the same series as Divinity 2, but is a 2D game with an isometric camera. The controls and interface are similar to Diablo 2, but Divine Divinity has better quest design, story, dialog, humour, world interaction, etc, and no respawning opponents.
Telika: Divine Divinity ?

Eschalon ?
I would suggest these games as well
And if you enjoyed Morrowind then you should like the WITCHER series!
Post edited January 26, 2013 by grounddown77
For the ARPG nut:
Titan Quest is great, it's a lot like Diablo 2 with some nicer features and a freaking AWESOME class system.

Sacred Gold is good as well, it's a giant level scaling world populated by about a million things to kill, including giant spiders the size of a large SUV and dragons that dwarf those. The classes are cool, and the story is a little better than the normal ARPG "OMG Big bad evil, go kill it."

Torchlight 2 is .. basically Diablo 2 Redux. Good for some time killing but just.. lacks the staying power of Diablo 2 (for me at least)


For the 'Oldschool' RPG fan:
Freedom Force (and it's sequel) are both very fun games.. think Fallout with super heroes.

I confess I've not played the Avernum games, but I have heard great things about them, and I do enjoy "Avadon, the Black Tower" from the same company.

Planescape: Torment is not my cup of tea, never was able to get in to the story and the gameplay didn't hold my interest. That said, it's got one hell of a story and some great characters- well worth giving a shot at very least.

Baldur's Gate series: I've only played 1 and I frankly hate it. I don't like the cliched start and I detest D&D 2E for video games- it's NOT meant for video games and it makes crappy rules. If you can get past the cliches and the crappy rules and the annoying start... it's worth picking up.

Ice Wind Dale series has 2 redeeming qualities (to me) 1) build your own party. 2) the 2nd uses 3rd edition rules which are build for combat.. and I'm a 3rd ed DM so I know the rules inside and out. That being said, story wise they're not as good as the BG games.

Temple of Elemental Evil, if you can get past the Troika bugs is a great hack and slash "Oldschool" RPG. It's highly combat focused, has jack squat for a plot, but has D&D 3.5 mechanics and the ability to build your own awesome party with some epic synergies.


For the Western RPG fan, I'm not much of a fan of this genre myself.. seldom do I get immersed in them...

Obviously Oblivion.. I think it's a bloody awesome game, it's the first TES game I've played that I REALLY got in to vanilla.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.. Once again, Troika bugs.. once you get past those though you get a pretty nifty RPG, fairly linear though.. makes up for it with some cool characters and being a non-sparkly Vampire.

Fable is an OK game, but I have one major problem with it: you age as you get XP. You, and everyone around you, can age like... 60 years in just a few months. Also your appearance is determined by being good or evil., Immersion breaking abounds.
tsgnurk: Im looking for a Single player RPG with focus on Class customization (stats distrubutation/skills that sort of thing)
Games where you controll an entire party is very much welcome :) as that tends to be the way i lean. And the game basicly cant have unit scaling as that just....ruins it for me.
Post edited January 26, 2013 by PetrusOctavianus
While not available here on GOG (Yet) I would suggest Risen - Also while I rarely support Steam - You can Get Dungeon Siege - Dungeon Siege II - Dungeon Siege III, and Dungeon Siege III Treasures of the Sun for $15.00. I am very tempted to get that myself.
Post edited January 26, 2013 by Lou
Dragon age origins (or baldurs hate or Torment)
I mean Torchlight isn't even an RPG is just a Diablo thing.

Edit: and That Baldurs Hate is really neat typo. ^^
Post edited January 26, 2013 by Antimateria
iuliand: Keep an eye for Grim Dawn release.

edit: Oh, and definitely try Titan Quest. An you may take a look at Sacred Gold.
Titan quest, think this is my favorite of the D-Clones. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and wanted to enter all the buildings just to look around. Too bad you can't, in most cases, but with the add on immortal thrown, hours of good gaming.

Grim Dawn?