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Dreams are an interesting topic. Today I had this dream and wrote it down when I woke up.

In the dream I was driving with some guy, I was not the driver. We were on our way to some race or other car event. We were going to do some kind of scam or cheat that would get us a lot of money. Earlier in the dream it appears that what happened was not "reality" but a game because I can remember to have changed viewpoints so that I saw it first person from inside the car as opposed to viewing the car from outside as it drove. But at this point in the dream it had turned into "reality" and I was myself, not an observer.

We drove (or walked) by some brothel which had a distinct name that I can't remember anymore. (Something like The last homely brothel but not that.) Outside the brothel I saw two asian women which were pretty and was walking, talking or something with one customer. I wanted for us to come back later after the scam to pick up the women but unfortunately I woke up before that. There was a garden outside the brothel where there were lots of flower beds. Many of them were shaped in peculiar (but not unrealistic) shapes that were supposed to resemble female sexual organs although the shape that I remember were not that similar. The guy I was with used the name Vaginatis about the flowers. (Vaginatis was a word I got from watching South Park the night before, although the name there had a very different meaning.)

I'm sure your dreams are more interesting than mine but if not, post them anyway. The strange ways of dream logic is always fascinating.
My best dreams involve a lot of boobs on the beach, I can't really describe it more here... :P
keeveek: My best dreams involve a lot of boobs on the beach, I can't really describe it more here... :P
"Boobs on the beach". Now that would be a good name for a drink. It would have to include two cherries floating on the top, or preferably two close relatives of cherries that were larger but with an equal amount of taste.
Post edited January 07, 2013 by Lord_Gregory
Hmmm... odd topic for me - I'm a genuine insomniac for a few reasons - one being the fact I've always suffered bad dreams (some would call them night terrors, but unless you're shrieking, kicking etc, it aint any terror). A lot of them are recurring, but I have difficulty in describing them.
I'll see what I can do though - certainly a topic that interests me (what do most people get to dream of?!).
Sachys: Hmmm... odd topic for me - I'm a genuine insomniac for a few reasons - one being the fact I've
always suffered bad dreams (some would call them night terrors, but unless you're shrieking,
kicking etc, it aint any terror). A lot of them are recurring, but I have difficulty in
describing them.
I'll see what I can do though - certainly a topic that interests me (what do most people get to
dream of?!).
Nighthaunts eh? Perhaps you could use them for something creative.
Mostly suicide dreams, like hurling myself in front of cars, or down bridges or buildings. One pretty fun one, recently, was about making the felix baumgartner jump without a parachute. For science.

Last night, I also had the devil proposing me a contract of sort, one that ould make my life all happy in exchange for some unspecified abstract thingy (soul stuff?). Sent him to hell, if I may say.

I dream of cats a lot, though. I guess I'm a bit cat-deprived, since two years ago. My brain tries hard to balance this, at night.
When I traveled for work all the time I used to have really annoying travel dreams. They almost always involved forgetting something. I'd have the occasional plane crash dream, too. For a while there they came often enough that I'd think to myself in the dream, "Hmm, looks like we're going to crash again" - not frightened at all because it had become a regular thing. And then I started surviving the plane crashes. I'd get up out of my seat, look around, and think that the plane was really messed up.

Four or five nights ago I dreamed an old friend and I were accosted by ruffians, thugs, ne'erdowells, whatever, and we started fighting with them. I woke after having nearly punched my wife in the noggin.

Same thing happened 20 some years ago on a long weekend getaway in Spain, a couple nights after I had proposed to her in Granada. Another physical altercation dream, but that time it started out as a sort of twist on running with the bulls (we had done that a short time before, at one of the smaller celebrations) but we were in some sort of earthen ring (but not a bullring). The bull charged at me, turned into some kind of dog, and I took a swing. Just barely missed her.

Maybe a week ago, I was in a boxing ring to fight Mike Tyson. It's like we were both half-assing it, not really wanting to be there so it was mostly just hopping around, making some weak efforts at punching, and then more hopping around. It got to maybe the fourth round and the bell rang. We went off to the locker room and started shooting the shit. Went on (in dream time) for 15 minutes or so until one of the corner guys charged in there to tell us that we took so much time that the fight was cancelled. No friggin' idea what that one was about.
Oh jeez, now everyone's going to see deep into my psyche! This is a dream I had a couple days back,
and it was one of the weirder ones I'd had for a while. Also, it was born of absolutely nothing
that I can recognise — I hadn't read any sci-fi or fantasy for a while, nor had I played many games
along those lines, so... god knows.

I was a member of this space fleet that were dedicated toward protecting the earth, though there
were divisions that were focused on exploration more than weaponry. I was in one of the
exploration divisions, and my commander was this pale, pixie-like girl with short blonde
hair, ornate tattoos and vaguely creepy blue eyes. She was an ex-soldier, I think, who'd left
service because... something. She was renowned for stuff, anyway.

On one of our exploration missions, this largish worm-type thing (resembling
these critters)
managed to get aboard our ship and we had to kill it. Its species had an Ender's Game-esque
hive-mind thing going, and it turned out that creature was a child, so we angered an entire
planet full of them (we gave them the nickname of Weevils, again similar to Ender's Game I
suppose) and they decided to invade earth. Cue a dream-jump to earth instead.

The invasion was really interesting actually. Instead of outright attacking, they showered
this stuff called "glamour-dust" on us (it was like dust you see floating in rays of sun, but
with larger particles and shinier), which was all through the air we breathed. The air made
people incredibly sick over a period of a week, and they'd slowly become thinner (although
their stomach would bloat, so it was as if they were highly malnourished) and they'd go through
incredible pain. What the illness actually did, it turned out, was turn the infected people
into weevils. It looked pretty hopeless. I remember my commander lady turned to me and said "I
know we always come to the rescue, but this time I would not fault you if you decided we should
remove the dog from the locker (for some reason this was in reference to my pet King Charles
Cavalier, Toby, who we kept in a locker? I don't know) and run to a border planet."

I didn't want to though (so I guess Toby stayed in the locker? poor puppy) because my family were
there and I needed to find a cure.

SO. I travelled the earth, somehow not getting infected yet, trying to find a cure (and that part
is all a blur), before I ended up in my sleepy little rural hometown, at my friend's house. My
friend's dad and her little brother were there, and they were both infected. When I first went
into their house, though, there was this spooky-looking guy standing with one leg on a wicker
chair in their loungeroom, singing songs about birds that fly north when their mother calls.
Apparently it was supposed to be a concert but no-one came. Eventually he left. It was
heartbreaking seeing my friend's younger brother infected, he's only 10. His schoolbus came
up the driveway, and as he was leaving he said to me "so, our symptoms are sweaty throats and
weird heads, so I was thinking I might look that up when I get to school to see what it means!"

I explained to him what the symptoms actually meant (the sweaty throat was something to do with
the way skin changes in the transformation process, and the "weird head" was the result of
neuronal alteration), and he was like "oh okay" and left. I realised that I'd just squashed all
his hope and at least looking it up would have kept him busy, so I apologised over and over again
to the dad. He said it was okay, then a weevil came down the chimney (to give us presents, I
guess), which for some reason was fine because the dad got into it like a sleeping bag and asked
me to get hay from the horseshed for him to lie on, which I did.

When I came back in, it wasn't my friends dad and her brother anymore, but my dad and my brother. My
brother came up to me and said "Oh sister, the years have treated you much kinder than us" (which
might sound like weird register for a 14-year-old, but that is legitimately how he speaks a lot
of the time, especially when he's trying to make light of something). Suddenly I realised I was
actually infected, because I'd spent time with them, and I said "I have it too" and my dad got
incredibly sad because he thought maybe I'd escaped it, and he asked me "from us?" in this voice
that absolutely broke my heart, but I just said "yes."

In the end, it was hopeless to fight against it, so what I had to do was find someone who could turn
us into dogs (because only humans were affected) so that then we wouldn't be Weevils and
(somehow) would still have our own personalities.

And then I woke up. And that was way longer than it should have been, and I totally don't blame
anyone if they didn't bother reading. Still, it was fun writing it! One of the more detailed
dreams I've had.
Post edited January 07, 2013 by ellynandroid
ellynandroid: And then I woke up. And that was way longer than it should have been, and I totally don't blame
anyone if they didn't bother reading. Still, it was fun writing it! One of the more detailed
dreams I've had.
Worth reading just for the nonchalant way you describe looking for someone to turn you into a dog.

I occasionally get sleep paralysis, where I wake up and hallucinate I guess? I see things happen around me when I wake up but can't move and there's usually horrible stuff going on overlaid over the real world, lasts a few minutes. Some of the stuff I've seen has been horrible and it's not really like a dream in that it fades over time, it's more like an experience which haunts you for a while.

I also have a recurring dream about one particular room in my home and a ghost - which is stupid, I know, but horrifying and realistic enough that whenever I go into a certain room I clench my fingernails into my hand before I'll go in to make sure I'm not dreaming. :D
A guy (30 year old virgin) I worked with told us about his dreams during a coffee break. He told us that he kept having a dream in which he was being attack by a big house cat. So, successfully pretending to be a dream interpreter, I told him that the cat represents the female genitals, and that this meant he was afraid of pussy.
The look on his face was priceless.
It was a bit mean, but then be was a bit of a pompous ass.
PetrusOctavianus: A guy (30 year old virgin) I worked with told us about his dreams during a coffee break. He told us
that he kept having a dream in which he was being attack by a big house cat. So, successfully
pretending to be a dream interpreter, I told him that the cat represents the female genitals,
and that this meant he was afraid of pussy.
The look on his face was priceless.
It was a bit mean, but then be was a bit of a pompous ass.

I have a hard time remembering most of my dreams. They aren't as interesting as they used to be. Mostly my dreams now are loose memories of when I was a kid or in high school.
I once had a dream that I was driving a car and had a need to poop so I kept driving and pooped out of the window.

It was terrifying. Destroyed large portions of my sanity.
last night I dreamed that I couldn't get to sleep and it sucked(not the dream sucking, that was part of the dream that it sucked not being able to sleep).... then I woke up.
Post edited January 08, 2013 by pseudonarne
Interesting topic...I have a recurring nightmare that always ends with my being trapped above rushing water.

Other than that, the latest memorable dream I've had went something like this: I was in mall after opening hours, for some reason, went into a public restroom, and huge purple blob/monster thing burst out of one of the stalls and started chasing me around the back corridors while yelling "feed me!"
I woke up laughing.
Post edited January 08, 2013 by NameGoo
If I leave out a couple of kinky ones, I only had 1 dream.
I was very young when they creeped into my subconsciousnes.
I was at my grannys flat.
Before I continue you have to imagine the room placement. My room, east, north-east (where I assume I start running from...remembering always brings me to the run and not to the origin of it). Door on west, south-west corner. Out of door is small hallway (north-south). North end goes to kitchen (its south, south-east corner). Door to balcony in kitchen in west, north-west corner. Balcony is wide on west-east coordinates. The door to kitchen is on its east, south east corner and the small part of wal north of the door is blind looking from the kitchen.
Suddenly a wolf (warewolf more likely, walking on 2) was after me. I run, like I said I only assume that from my room. I run through the kitchen to the balcony and hide in the blind north-east corner. Then I hear the wolfie slowly entering the kitchen. Then he steps into the balcony unaware where I am. When he is in the middle of the balcony I jump towards him and push him off the 7th floor. END