Beyond looks awesome. So do the COD and Assassins Creed 3 exclusive Vita titles. Goot to know AC3 on Vita will be a whole different game, not a port from the home consoles version. No sure about COD Black Ops Declassified on Vita though, they didnt say whether it would be a port or a new game.
Oh, and the new PS+ content was just AMAZING. Little Big Planet 2, Infamous 2, and a bunch of other games will be given to free to PS+ subscribers. Such a great value.
Elenarie: At least we won't be seeing any new dildos this E3.
wodmarach: your wish has been fulfilled PSmove stuff...
JKR still doing harry potter stuff...
Can I sleep now... this is the most boring thing I've ever seen >.<
Trust me, the Microsoft conference was much, MUCH worse.
GOW Ascension now.