seaspanky: The normal response is the response that didn't like being hung out to dry for a hoax/pr stunt. You and many others seem to be going out of your way to make apologist excuses for and justify the stunt and attempt to downplay the normal outrage any stunt like this is going to receive from the userbase/customers here.
hedwards: You're entitled to your opinion, but you're wrong. That isn't the "normal" response at least not in the way you're implying it to be. It's PR, and when more eyes see the site and more purchases are made, it requires justification to consider that anything other than success.
If you walked into a bar, a store, whatever, and handed them your money and the guy behind the counter said, "What, ho, closing down, come back in 4 or 5 days and if we're open I'll give you your goods." And your "normal" response would be, great PR stunt! See ya later.
I don't think so. Yet that is excatly what happened to me and many others. But even that was not the main issue, trust is the main issue.
I don't care what anyone here says -- it was a stupid, stupid stunt. It bordered on fraud. But even if you accept it as a "joke and PR stunt" -- pissing off a good portion of your customers and scaring those yet to be customers into thinking, geez, that could really happen, not so sure about this digital distribution idea, can't be smart.
And who says they're going to get a lot of new customers and sales from this? A lot of the traffic they're getting is probably users trying to frantically download their previously purchased games and others here just out of idle curiosity. One thing we know for sure is that they have *lost* some sales because of this.
Further, a lot of us here were bringing them new customers over the last two years and now many will not be. Again, hard to see how that's a good result.
I'm sure the fuss will die down eventually -- but it was a stupid move nevertheless. Nothing anyone here says will change that and it's not just my opinion -- it's a clearly observable fact that the result, the response, and the effect was hugely negative overall. You need only look at what's happened to the community here to see that.
I hope they recover from it, of course. I've been a big supporter these last 2 years and more. But trust is hard to earn back once you lose it.
Be well!