Posted July 26, 2013

A Hybrid
Registered: Jun 2012
From South Africa

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted July 26, 2013
That does apply to most of the game, yes, well at least from what I've played. What I mostly find insufferable are bosses where I just do keep dying until I figure out how to fight them. Granted, I did not get trough the second one - but I just couldn't muster the motivation to do so after I've had to do the same bit for the third time. Now maybe I'm just terrible at the game, but that's it - I'm perfectly capable of enjoying even games I'm terrible at, as long as they allow me to set my own rules. I want to be the one to decide if I want dying in a game to have a consequence or not. For the Dishonored example, dying had consequence - because I wanted it to work that way. I just dislike when game designers force a manner of gameplay that I do not necessarily enjoy. I can tell you with certainty that I, personally, would have ejoyed DS more with a proper save system. If others wouldn't be able to, well then, I just won't enjoy DS and move on.

Three Bars
Registered: Jun 2011
From Lithuania
Posted July 26, 2013

As for Taurus Demon, that dufus actually jumped off the bridge and killed himself on first play through. On my second one I was already experienced, so basically ran in 2 handed, dodged everything and sliced him down, so I don't really know your pain on this one.
Anyway, I see it a bit differently, I like when a developer knows how difficult the game is supposed to be and sticks with it. Then it's your turn to show that you're up to the challenge.

Sub Captain
Registered: Jul 2013
From United States

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted July 26, 2013
Montezuma's revenge... damn, just damn...
Mechanized Assault and Exploration - the first bleeping lvl already!
Any civilization game, 3 onwards, with Captain Warmongering Lunatic as a neighbour, aka Ghandi...
Mechanized Assault and Exploration - the first bleeping lvl already!
Any civilization game, 3 onwards, with Captain Warmongering Lunatic as a neighbour, aka Ghandi...

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Poland
Posted July 26, 2013

Then hardest game ... it has to be an old Nintendo game in my opinion .... Super Ghouls n' Ghosts, I think ?
How about Spelunky, is it modern enough for you?

Village Resident
Registered: Sep 2008
From Spain
Posted July 26, 2013

Seriously I cannot remember at all what was the frog thing about, I perfectly remember the setting but I can't recall what was this puzzle about . I just remember that just after founding the solution of this puzzle in a guide, I was in the right mindset to finish the game quite easily (and for instance I have perfect meomries about the 'topography' exercise at the end and I easily found the solution after little thinking and much strolling).
I never played the other Myst though. Riven was enough for me.

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Poland
Posted July 26, 2013

Seriously I cannot remember at all what was the frog thing about, I perfectly remember the setting but I can't recall what was this puzzle about . I just remember that just after founding the solution of this puzzle in a guide, I was in the right mindset to finish the game quite easily (and for instance I have perfect meomries about the 'topography' exercise at the end and I easily found the solution after little thinking and much strolling).
I never played the other Myst though. Riven was enough for me.
Post edited July 26, 2013 by uxtull

Resident Troll
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted July 26, 2013

Some games might be hard but they're a cheap kind of hard, not the kind of hard gameplay that means you need to be a better ninja like in Ninja Gaiden Black. I don't care for the cheap shot games. I liked that Ninja Gaiden Black added an easy difficulty setting for casual players, but mocked them in-game if they chose it.
I do have fond memories of Shadowgate on the NES. Sometimes frustrating but it had great music and death descriptions. Sometimes it was fun to do something you know is stupid just to read the description. I once got stuck far into the game and gave up. I came back, I don't know, five years later and tried it again but solved the puzzle I had been stuck on before. Then I finished the rest of the game in about half an hour. Sometimes you just need to give a game a rest for a while and come back with a fresh mind.
The oldschool Ninja Gaiden II on the NES however, I remember were great. I legitimately got all the way to the final boss, then resorted to Game Genie to kill the last boss. Maybe one day I'll go back and do it again, legit.

←This Way
Registered: Sep 2012
From Germany
Posted July 27, 2013
Now you have done it.
I remember THE HORROR of my childhood.
Endless times i tried to play the game...and endless failures.
You may call it childish tossing and smashing everything...than sulking in a corner
only for coming back and try THAT game again and again.
But seriously the enemies were hard...i hated them with a passion.
Just the goal right in front of you and than BAMM...the fiend has slain you again.
No, i will never ever play LUDO again (Mensch ärgere dich nicht für uns Deutsche).
I remember THE HORROR of my childhood.
Endless times i tried to play the game...and endless failures.
You may call it childish tossing and smashing everything...than sulking in a corner
only for coming back and try THAT game again and again.
But seriously the enemies were hard...i hated them with a passion.
Just the goal right in front of you and than BAMM...the fiend has slain you again.
No, i will never ever play LUDO again (Mensch ärgere dich nicht für uns Deutsche).