Elmofongo: Gothic 3 or Ultima 9, which is worse?
With or without the community patch? Without, Ultima 9 is the better game. For all its flaws, it still works.
With fanpatch: Gothic 3 is the better game. In fact, it is actually a rather good game. Flawed, yes, but there is enough good going on to make it a worthwhile experience.
Be careful about wiping out orcs. It is possible to break the main quest if you randomly wipe out orcs in orc controlled towns. You should still be in a good state, but before liberating any towns, make sure that you have the quest item that you get from a specific orc (the main quest will point you in the direct direction when it is time for it).
As for where you should put your skillpoints? Depends on what you want to play, but don't skimp too much on health (I know, it is a boring thing to invest points in, but it is important). Anything else depends on what you want to play. Also, don't get the third level in any weapon skill unless you have to. The knockdown effect that it adds is more annoying than good (can't/harder to hit a knocked down foe).
Being able to make the points that permanently increases your stats is nice, but don't invest here early on. The thieving skills are, in my opinion, not worth it. Archery is good, but I hate having to keep track of arrows. Magic is great later on, but you still need some fighting skills early in the game.
Also, armour is incredibly important.
By the way, the length of the weapon is very important. For this reason I find the long sword to be better than the bastard sword.
Elmofongo: What about the expansion Forsaken Gods compared to Ultima 9?
We don't speak about that expansion here. It is bad for everyone involved (some people have traumatic memories of it, you know).