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You raise the lid and discover ...

... a Kilrathi spaceship from Wing Commander IV?

Thanks for the giveaway :)
N0x0ss: I put my hand in the chest, feeling something greasy yet mellow...
I decide to be courageous and take the object out of the chest.

Could it be a blob ? One of those nasty creatures I've been fighting for a while to get to this room ?
I grabbed the object, wich was rather flat...
The smelled reeked as soon as I got it near my face.

It was a pizza slice !
Some minion must have left it here not having time to finish it.

I double-checked, the treasure chest was empty... I left, sad and empty-handed...
I must say; I'm rather disappointed you didn't eat it. I've been starving down here! :(
Lost EA expansions - o, thx for giveway
Post edited June 03, 2012 by tburger
I open the chest and discover a large pile of parchment scrolls. All are covered in incomprehensible symbols resembling no known alphabet except one which, for some reason, is covered in obscene limericks.
A shriveled up used condom.
you raise the lid and discover...

A cloud of deadly poisonous gas. In your haste to find a precious treasure you forgot to check for traps. You have no cure potion and as you slowly wither away you wish you had found a GOG treasure.

Thanks for the giveaway the_bard.
ydobemos: which, for some reason, is covered in obscene limericks.
Sorry. That was me lastnight.
The ownership agreement of System Shock 2 that states CDProjekt is legitimate owner.

Thanks for the opportunity!
Cuntibollox: Sorry. That was me lastnight.
ydobemos: I open the chest and discover a large pile of parchment scrolls. All are covered in incomprehensible symbols resembling no known alphabet except one which, for some reason, is covered in obscene limericks.
You found Nicki Minaj song lyrics?
A piece of paper with the sign " Sucker " on it . .p
Let's see... we've got grog... wax lips... rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle... some gopher repellant... Ooh. Some classy aftershave.
Collection of orkish PlayBoy magazine. More precise, summer special edition with sexiest tusk and facial hair competition. Although it may hold certain value to someone (and I find it disturbingly arousing) I toss it aside in disappointment.
the runes of virtue along with the ankh
The secret to getting my kids to play together without trying to kill each other.
It's just a shame that the scroll is written in a secret language I can't read....