GameRager: Yes but it seemed as if you were wondering why we were fighting this/laws in general, and it's because it's the best the informed among us seem to be able to do....either by the limit of the law of the limit of our desire to effect change, seeing how sheepish society has become.
Thing is, if we did nothing it'd probably be even worse.
wpegg: But you aren't fighting this law, it's quite a benign law. It's stopping people ripping off tracks and letting them get accessed for free.
It's not benign when it's left intentionally vague and open to abuse. Do you claim that the DMCA hasn't been used in ways not originally intended? Do you claim that there aren't layers right now using fear of vague law to wring settlements out of people based on unproven claims of infringement? These IP laws are ALREADY being abused. Why do you assume that this one will be any different?
People are RIGHT to fear these laws because anyone that cares to look can see that these bills are passed by congress critters who have been bought and paid for by the entertainment cartel. (campaign contributions are public knowledge. This isn't a conspiracy, it's fact) The cartel does not care about the artist or the designer (see the lawsuit linked earlier in this discussion). They care about the cartel and complete and utter control over the marketplace.
The ultimate goal, as explicitly stated by numerous entertainment execs, is to turn the Internet into a system like cable TV, where you pay for bundles of channels (sites) and that's all you get. heavily controlled. They have been quite public in their intentions. Each of these laws that the entertainment cartel write and hand to congress to pass is another small step on the way to that goal. Free indie content on sites like Youtube are one of their number one targets because it's competition.
By the way, another aspect of this war on the Internet is the ever increasing waves of bandwidth caps. These are designed to freeze out streaming video as a competitor (Netflix, Hulu, etc...) and indiscriminate use of the Internet for entertainment. When people are constantly worried about going over their ludicrously low cap, they are less likely to use the Internet for entertainment. Keep in mind that the vast majority of ISPs are owned by entertainment companies/cable providers.
Food for thought anyway. All public knowledge.