ellynandroid: Oh, believe you me, they're
perfect. I'm going to have to manipulate it around the lower notes that pop up but it's really fun to work with. I'd love to turn it into a piece I could play with a violinist or something, but alas I'm only me so I've got to arrange it as a solo. There isn't really anyone else in my area who plays music — or at least not celtic music, and much less music from a videogame.
Also — your band sounds awesome. What do you play?
I didn't think there were any lower notes out of the range of the whistle or violin since a D whistle has 2+ octaves from D upwards and in first position alone the violin has over two octaves (two and a major third I think).
I bet there are people, they can just be hard to find... there's got to be a session in a pub somewhere. Folk + video games is a pretty rare combination though.
I play octave mandola as a rhythm/chord instrument. I joined as a melody player but switched to rhythm so our bass player (who was playing rhythm guitar at the time) could play the bass. Also I was kind of redundant as a melody player because we have plenty of melody players (whistle, fiddle, mandolin, concertina, accordion and melodeon/low whistle).