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GOG loves D&D

The Best of The Best. Unrivaled Champions of the genre. Nine of the Greatest. The Supreme Achievement of isometric era. Matchless. Perfect. 11 out of 10. Yes, you've guessed it--we're talking about D&D RPGs. From now until Friday, September 21 at AM 9:59 GMT [url=]you can buy fantastic Hasbro RPGs from the world of Dungeons and Dragons up to 65% off! If by some terrible twist of fate you didn't have the chance to add all of those Diamonds to your collection, now is a chance to correct this terrible injustice. Let's take a peek into the treasury, shall we?

In the center of our D&D chamber we've got the iconic Baldur’s Gate: The Original Saga and Baldur’s Gate II: Complete that collectively received over 10 “Best game of the year” awards from publications such as PC Gamer, Eurogamer, Computer Games Magazine and IGN. And in the cold, ice-filled corner there's the Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale 2 series that brought the D&D license to a more combat-oriented RPG gaming. The strange shimmering light comes from the inter-dimensional portal where Planescape: Torment resides. Winner of multiple RPG and Game of the Year awards in 1999, it is widely considered as one of the best storytelling RPGs in gaming history.
The treasure chamber wouldn't be complete without Neverwinter Nights--a game with a great single player campaign that offers even greater multiplayer experience and modding capabilities. This game is literally one you could play the rest of your life, if you were determined to get through every single user-created campaign or keep attending a multi-player server. And don't forget about the somewhat underrated gems in the collection! Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard is a fascinating blend of RPG and RTS. Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone is an action RPG with some interesting tactical elements to go along with the usual hack and slash of the genre. Finally, Temple of Elemental Evil, one of the tougher tactical RPGs ever--so hard that it balances on the fine edge of fairness.

A short news post like this is not nearly enough to give justice to each single D&D Diamond available in this promo. And because GOG staff loves D&D so much we are going to tell you about our personal experiences with those games throughout the week, starting tomorrow. But enough talk! Let the D20s roll! Visit the promo page to complete your collection of Diamonds of D&D!
Does the multiplayer aspect of Dragonshard at least make it worth it? I don't know much about it having not played it. I don't like what I've read so far, but I'm wondering if the RTS multiplayer side of it at least makes the game worth purchasing during this promo.
I HATE you sliding scale discounts
Just noticed something: the gifting option is done a little bit weird with games in the promo.
At first it appears as if I can only gift games I don't already own myself (that, or gift the entire pack); it says GAME OWNED where the checkbox should be. However, if I go to the gamecard of the game I already own, it says "you can gift this for $6.99", but after I've put it into basket, the price is (in my case, since I already own about half the games in the promo) $5.59. I'm sure it's just a bug or coding that wasn't fully thought out - just wanted to notice people if they didn't know already. Some might think of it as a confusion in the marketing.
Turbosniglen: Reselect The Temple of Elemental Evil = $28.97
SLP2000: Buy it, it's great, and it has great mod Co8 with tons of extra content.
Hello, I bought the entire pack since it's 30.01 for all, and was ~27 for the ones I wanted. 3 bucks extra seemed pretty OK for games I wasn't sure about :)
Could someone tell me what the Chris Avellone and Colin McComb book is in the extras of PST? I'm contemplating getting it for the extras, to supplement my physical copy.
kelseyr713: Could someone tell me what the Chris Avellone and Colin McComb book is in the extras of PST? I'm contemplating getting it for the extras, to supplement my physical copy.
It seems to be a novelisation of the Planescape game. I never knew it was there.
Oh boy, THIS kind of sale again.

Let's see, the only game I want: Planescape Torment.

The only game I already own: Baldur's Gate 2.

Grand savings if I were to buy the one game I'm actually interested in? 33%.

Looks like I'm abstaining again. I seem to remember this happening the last time Planescape was on sale too.
gameon: It seems to be a novelisation of the Planescape game. I never knew it was there.
Thanks! I have the Vallese version (more out of morbid curiosity than anything - I haven't read it yet) and it would be awesome to have this other one.
Sylenall: ...
Then presumably you don't want it badly enough to be willing to save even 3 bucks?
kelseyr713: Could someone tell me what the Chris Avellone and Colin McComb book is in the extras of PST? I'm contemplating getting it for the extras, to supplement my physical copy.
gameon: It seems to be a novelisation of the Planescape game. I never knew it was there.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Has anyone read it?
Jeez GoG, when the crap am I ever going to have time to PLAY all this?!?? All I can do is hope that the nursing home staff will be willing to play for me while I drool and mumble instructions to them.
Sylenall: ...
tfishell: Then presumably you don't want it badly enough to be willing to save even 3 bucks?
I don't appreciate an aggressive "buy more than you want/need" sale method when dealing with games that I know little about, and no I'm not in a big rush. I can wait till Christmas to get it during a no-strings-attached sale.
Post edited September 17, 2012 by Sylenall
I've already owned TOEE and NWN, thanks to pH7 and K_1269 for gifting me those, respectively.

The funny thing is, I wanted to buy all that is listed in this promo, except PLANESCAPE: TORMENT. I wanted to NOT buy P:T, but the increase in price, and based on everybody's view on that game, makes me hold back, at least until the final hours of the last day before finally making a decision to buy this bundle, with or without P:T. one bothered to answer my post from 4 days ago, about BG1 and multiplayer....probably pertains to BG2 also, but don't know as I haven't played my physical copies of that yet.

Anyhow, I tried MP BG1 with my boy awhile back, and had nothing but problems. Game crashes, when starting, mainly, I think......or it wouldn't let us start, and just sat there trying.

So, I'm tempted to buy a bunch of these. I own a lot of them, but don't have the expansions, so that's a big tempt.....but the clincher will be if multiplayer BG1 will work for us with the GOG version. So, can someone verify for me?

I did see in the GOG help forums, that Google Chrome can cause problems with BG1.....maybe that was our problem? I'm a staunch Chrome user and don't like to close it down:) Anyhow, I'll buy most of these, if multi becomes easier.

Edit: Also, I have seen mention of mods for NWN, easy is it to apply mods to GOG versions of these games? I've yet to try that, but if it's easy, NWN sounds much more interesting.
Post edited September 18, 2012 by billybgame
I'll ask again: any chance that NWN will receive the remaining Premium Modules?