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We know our little game with closing down the site made some of you angry. Once again we'd like to apologize to everyone who felt deceived by us closing down without any warning and without giving you access to your games. We apologize for that from the bottom of our hearts, it was done with the best of intentions and hopefully we can make it up to you!
That being said we'd like to introduce to you the brand new After two years we're finally leaving the beta stage and moving forward to provide you even better service with your favorite PC classics. Leaving beta means lots of changes to the site itself, as well. A sleek new design makes it even easier to browse through the huge catalog, share one's passion for classic games via popular social media, get to know more about the classic games available and recommend favorite titles to other gamers. Among other changes, the team has introduced GOGmixes, which are, in short, user-created lists of games around one theme. Learn more about all the new features on overview page.
But that's not all. What anniversary would it be without some neat presents? We're celebrating the second anniversary with one of the biggest announcements ever for fans of classic PC games - we're reviving Baldur’s Gate and other classic Hasbro-Licensed PC games which will be unveiled gradually in the coming weeks!
Post edited September 23, 2010 by Neville
Infocommie: ... it was really dumb to to screw with a group of people (gamers) who get obsessed over stuff that really doesn't matter (games). and I wholeheartedly include myself in that group. so don't be surprised when we focus on your stupidity for awhile. ...
Ha-ha -- thanks for a good laugh -- and a good point!
Kolchak: And as I said before, this site has never been anything more than a business, people need to stop treating it like an old friend that betrayed them.
Sorry, but I disagree. a big part of GOG's whole business model was that *they* said they *were* different. They said "Hey, we're gamers like you!" -- they explicitly made it about more than just business. Or so I and many thought.

But enough. I, for one, have had my say. Time to move on and get back to gaming.
Post edited September 27, 2010 by Bron
smerles: Sorry but this is bullshit. Not a big deal doing the "overhaul" (i.e. setting up a new frontend) on a new / different server and than switch with a minimal or even no downtime at all. Happens all the time in other companies.
stonebro: False. I've run several large deploys to websites that are far more complex than this one. In all cases the total downtime has been ~5 minutes, or the time it takes for the application server to restart.

You don't need large periods of downtime to do an update in 2010. If you do, you're doing it wrong.
Uhm ... That is exactly what I said? ;)

Amazon did a revamp of their interface a while ago. No down time at all. Steam did the same several times and I can't remember that there ever was a downtime.
I also know from my own experience that it is really not a problem to do a relaunch or upgrade of anything IT related with little to no downtime.
To all the hammer legion members: The down time itself wasn't necessary but also isn't the reason for all the hate - The stupid PR jump behind it is.
Online distribution plattforms are about trust or why do you think that Steam for example is so big now?

Like nu-R421 said isn't poor. The prices are fair, nothing more or less. I see no reason that we should be thankful that exists. If it wasn't gog, someone else would do the job.
prez: Wow. Never knew there were so many self-righteous, arrogant pricks in this community. Whiners, blowhards, children, ... I've lost count of how many insults have been hurled by the pathetic apologists at people reasonably disappointed and upset by GOG's horribly ill-conceived publicity stunt.

THIS is what has become of the once mature community at GOG? That's almost as big of a shame as the nonsense they pulled that started it all.
The mature ones are still here. We're the ones laughing at everyone bothering to get angry and type up huge internet heartache posts about a prank. If you're this emotionally invested then maybe you should go offline for awhile. GOG's the best place to find classic PC gaming, hands down, and being offline for a couple of days doesn't change that fact.

There are so many companies out there actively trying to fuck their customers over that maybe you should direct your anger towards one of them, instead of one that provides a great product, service, and price but just had a poor taste in practical jokes.
prez: Wow. Never knew there were so many self-righteous, arrogant pricks in this community. Whiners, blowhards, children, ... I've lost count of how many insults have been hurled by the pathetic apologists at people reasonably disappointed and upset by GOG's horribly ill-conceived publicity stunt.

THIS is what has become of the once mature community at GOG? That's almost as big of a shame as the nonsense they pulled that started it all.
Shadin: The mature ones are still here. We're the ones laughing at everyone bothering to get angry and type up huge internet heartache posts about a prank. If you're this emotionally invested then maybe you should go offline for awhile. GOG's the best place to find classic PC gaming, hands down, and being offline for a couple of days doesn't change that fact.

There are so many companies out there actively trying to fuck their customers over that maybe you should direct your anger towards one of them, instead of one that provides a great product, service, and price but just had a poor taste in practical jokes.
go fanboy go!
Definitely not a fanboy. If there was some competition better than GOG, I'd switch, sure. But I've yet to find one, so unless you know of one to point me to, your post is useless. Most of these games never would have seen the light of day again.
Post edited September 30, 2010 by Shadin