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Galimatias: I work @ GOG. I do things.
AndrewC: As in, you're the one who ties TheEnigmaticT down when he loses his hat :D
I'm the one that has to look for the hat :D
I graduated in Aeronautical Engineering. I didn't like it, however, so I decided to be a public servant (which are among the best jobs in the country). I'm currently studying for it.
Nothing currently. I'm trying to find an education I would like, but that's not so easy unfortunately.
I study, hoping to become a translator one day. I live off government subsidies, parents' support and what I earn in the summer, if anything.
I hang around a University and nod when people look like they expect me to know what they're talking about.
I'm a poor college student majoring in something I hate (journalism) just in hopes that I can write about video games for a living (so I like journalism just not "normal" local, news, and politics journalism).
Software engineer/DBA. Depends who you ask.
morecowbell24: I'm a poor college student majoring in something I hate (journalism) just in hopes that I can write about video games for a living (so I like journalism just not "normal" local, news, and politics journalism).
The best advice I got in school was to go what you were actually interested in. So I dropped computer science for philosophy.
I was in the security business for 7 years but quit to go to college. After college I was a bum for a year with some personal issues, but now I am an English teaching volunteer overseas. I hope when I get back to the States I can continue to be a teacher of some kind, be it tutoring or high school.
Japanese to English translator primarily of automobile related documents for a major Japanese automobile manufacturer (not going to say which, so please don't ask). I also occasionally translate documents relating to medical studies, work on website localisation for local businesses and once a year translate documents relating to an international street performance festival.

I've also done proofing work for patent related translations as well as a small amount of game related translation for some GameCube and early Xbox games. I gave up the game translation as the amount of pay in correlation to the amount of work was just woefully poor.
I'm an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician). I drive the ambulances, with all their pretty lights.
Another Software Developer.
I sit home, drink beer and enjoy good old games!
Work for a software consultant/dev shop for custom software projects for big companies, I'm a Business Analyst, or the guy who takes the pipe dreams of the execs and translates them into something a dev can build
I'm a spy for the Fijian Inteliigence Agency. Right now we're working on assassinating the new leader of North Korea but because we're a small island nation, all I'm allowed to use as weapons is a toothpick and a 1980 map of the world