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wodmarach: Hed I like you man but these rants are getting old.
hedwards: I'd recommend you buy a dictionary because rant and focus don't mean what you think they mean. I have better things to do with my time than argue with folks as stubborn as the ones I'm seeing in this thread.

I haven't said anything that wasn't true and I've been here long enough to know that the site was originally clearly dedicated to old games. And not ambiguously either. It always irritates me when folks that came here well after the beta period lecture the old timers about what the site is and isn't about. We know what it was about, we've been here for a long time.It gets a bit old being told that no, no it's always been about DRM free games first.

Also, rant, please, just because you refuse to acknowledge that I have a point doesn't make it a rant. It means that you don't want to admit that I'm right.
No, actually, it means you 'think' you're right.

Not surprisingly though, you're not right on this issue. Most gamers on GOG are happy to see the new games as well as the old, so just because your opinion is different does not make you 'right'.

(And yep, I've agreed with you in the past on some things you say but, sorry, not on this).

I've been in business for more than 30 years with some pretty high-level jobs, including running my own online businesses, and I can absolutely guarantee you the reason GOG went with new games as well as old is their old business model wasn't working (no company changes a business model that is successful), so they had to introduce other ways to make money.

One of them was going with adding new indie games like Grimrock. That game sold over 40,000 copies for them, FAR more than most of the old games combined have ever sold (which is a HUGE indication their old business model was failing). I said, you either want GOG to stick to selling old games, and be out of business soon, or you accept that they add new games too and go with more of a DRM-free focus (which, btw, I'm convinced will be a HUGE deal in the near future and will bring more and more gamers to GOG) -- which then makes the site much more likely to stay in existence, therefore, keeping old games available for those of us who still want them, and adding new games at great prices for those who don't.

I'm sorry I just don't see what all the aggravation is about = unless you're rather see GOG go out of business than be 'irritated' because of the new games??
hedwards: I haven't said anything that wasn't true and I've been here long enough to know that the site was originally clearly dedicated to old games. And not ambiguously either. It always irritates me when folks that came here well after the beta period lecture the old timers about what the site is and isn't about. We know what it was about, we've been here for a long time.It gets a bit old being told that no, no it's always been about DRM free games first.
Sorry, but I've got to agree that you're, at least partially, wrong on this one.

For one thing the site is Good Old Games, I think that should be something of a hint about what the site is for. They no longer guarantee that there will be goodies that come along with the games and the prices are deviating from their previous scheme even when they are old games.
Since the new site update there has always been a minimum of 2 old games released per week, sometimes even more, just like previously. Even before the update some unfortunate games were released without any significant goodies. As for the price scheme, sure there are some infamous examples (like RCT3) but other than that most games are reasonably priced.

The point is that gog has change substantially and bears very little resemblance to the site when I signed up.
Oh come on, that is quite the exaggeration. The community may have changed a bit, but other than that the site just got better and better imho.

But of course, my opinion is invalid because you've ben here a month longer than me ;D
Post edited June 03, 2012 by WBGhiro
hedwards is the master of making things out to be more troubling than they actually are.
Post edited June 03, 2012 by CaptainGyro
I have to confess: I suspect GOG got into modern games because it was getting too hard to secure the rights for all those abandonware games.
IronStar: Speaking of recent releases, Silver is quite buggy also.

Just sayin'....
gameon: I hope the problems aren't game breaking. I have both Silver and the Tomb raider bundle :S
Silver is quite f*ed as far as I know. Didn't try to play it jet, as I'm quite annoyed by Planescape: Torment's constant crashing, so my willpower is quite low. Silver forums are quite flooded w/ win 7 issues. Some issues are fixed thanks to kramer, but some other such as some videos skipping are yet to be patched up...
IronStar: Silver is quite f*ed as far as I know. Didn't try to play it jet, as I'm quite annoyed by Planescape: Torment's constant crashing, so my willpower is quite low. Silver forums are quite flooded w/ win 7 issues. Some issues are fixed thanks to kramer, but some other such as some videos skipping are yet to be patched up...
gameon: Well planescape was ok for me. It stuttered a bit on my spare pc (single core) but i can tolerate crashes. I am afraid of the game breaking kind of bugs i hear of in silver though. The kind of things that make it impossible to complete a game.

I hope that GOG can sort that kind of thing out. Ideally before i back up anything to dvd.

I dont have any windows 7 issues though (as i still use xp. So who knows, maybe i'll be safe)
Planescape keeps crashing on transitions, and I eventually gave up, as I don't enjoy restarting game every 5 minutes. I hear it's because of corrupted cache (Why the fuck would it corrupt itself is beyond me), but I'm to lazy to find/make some kind of script that purges cache all the time while I'm playing. Shame as everyone I talked to about it speaks of it as great game.

They hopefully will.

I don't know if you will run into them. I'd try playing on that spare PC first...
DAlancole: "Hey guys we heard you like old games so we released PONG! Now, STFU!" :P
Well, they released Space Quest 4, right? That was so meta it anticipated the meme by a decade or more.

"Hey guys, I herd you like old games, so we put an old game in this old game so you can wax nostalgic while you wax nostalgic."
Well, if they eliminate old games and only have new ones, I'd consider that a valid complaint, unless they change their name.

But I don't see anything wrong with incorporating newer games into the site; stagnating is not going to get them or us anywhere. Seems like the release rate of older games has gone up considerably in the past few years, and a lot of the newer games seem to be more in the "old school" vibe than say, cutting edge, and they still have good prices. I'd rather pay 15 bucks for a great game than waste 60 on something and hate it.
staticblast: NO.

Do not even JOKE about that.
Gilou: Seriously, I read on Kotaku that Boby Kotic was a shareholder (minor) but intended to buy his way for a more substantial part (controling part)
<Luke Skywalker voice> No. No. That's not true. That's impossible! </Luke Skywalker voice>
Post edited June 04, 2012 by staticblast
inflammatory? Lol! How was what i said inflammatory? Jeez get a life people lol.

Mods can you lock this post please, it was a genuine question as your site is called Good Old Games. It was answered a long time ago, the rest of the posts are just people defending me and fanbois being , well, little fanbois.

Please lock this down.

To the guy who said 'whats the point in down-repping him, he doesn't come on the forum much' thanks to you greatly, an I do mean that....but with a forum like this, I doubt I will be coming on it much ever again, too many opinionated people who cant be civil.

Oh and to those people that down-repped me for having an opinion.....lolololz oh dear

-5 from one post, is that a record hahahah.

Post edited June 04, 2012 by drechana
drechana: Jeez get a life people lol.
lolololz oh dear
You know... Even if I only had read the parts I quoted, I would still have known yours are the kind of posts that end up down-repped.
drechana: inflammatory? Lol! How was what i said inflammatory? Jeez get a life people lol.

Mods can you lock this post please, it was a genuine question as your site is called Good Old Games. It was answered a long time ago, the rest of the posts are just people defending me and fanbois being , well, little fanbois.

Please lock this down.

To the guy who said 'whats the point in down-repping him, he doesn't come on the forum much' thanks to you greatly, an I do mean that....but with a forum like this, I doubt I will be coming on it much ever again, too many opinionated people who cant be civil.

Oh and to those people that down-repped me for having an opinion.....lolololz oh dear

-5 from one post, is that a record hahahah.

I think you have to beat GameRager if you want the record..i think his rep dropped down to -50 or something like that at one time