Dischord: Have seen many who just made do, but it is possible they did because of no other options.
They could have "monked" me, come to think of it, but didn't.
Some people just shine from within, and can't be figured. The face of a God most don't believe in, perhaps?
Everybody has their breaking point.
In the end, we are not infallible machines of reason, but animals with reasoning strapped on top. This is why we often reason so poorly.
You give everybody food, a roof over their head, security, entertainment, a mate, something to do and some power (maybe in the forms of grass-root politics) and only the fringe will misbehave.
You give everybody food, a roof over their head and security, but nothing more (no entertainment, no mate, no power, no occupation) and only exceptional people won't misbehave at all.
You give people security, but nothing else and pretty much everybody will misbehave to various degrees (exceptional people might resort to only steal what they need when the right opportunity presents itself, others might resort to outright banditry).
You put everyone in a "everybody for himself" framework and only the most ardent pacifists will let themselves be marginalized and slaughtered. Most other people will revert to a dog-pack tribal structure like you still see in some parts of the world (like Africa).
Humans have a tendency to be decent (we are social animals), but this isn't an overriding directive. This is something that we have the potential to develop in ourselves when the opportunity presents itself.
We are blessed to live in a society where scientific and social advancement affords us the opportunity to be completely decent, but at the present time, we are not fully capitalizing (poor choice of word perhaps) on this opportunity.