cogadh: Thoughts, opinons?
Your problem has nothing to do with widescreen vs. 4:3 aspect ratio, it is a matter of high vs. low resolution.
Regarding ratio, the only games not originally made with widescreen support that usually benefit from it, are FPS/TPS games, and only if the widescreen fix is Horz+ (wider viewing angle) rather than Vert- (upper and lower edges of the image cut off). Other games like RTS games may benefit as well, provided the widescreen ratio actually makes more of the ground visible.
Higher resolutions however, generally only benefit 3D games. With those, game objects scale along with the resolution. Games that use bitmap graphics don't have that advantage. As the resolution goes up, all game objects become smaller. This can be fine if you just raise the resolution moderately, but usually results in the game becoming more or less unplayable if you raise the resolution dramatically.
Also, higher resolutions won't necessarily make 3D games look better, sometimes the opposite. Older 3D games used much fewer polygons in their models than modern games do. A model that looked fine in 800x600 on a CRT monitor will almost certainly look like crap rendered in crisp 1920x1080 on a high quality LCD display.
And even if 3D models don't get pixellated when they are scaled up, the textures they use, do. Which looks even more out of place in high resolutions.
So basically, what it boils down to in both the argument of widescreen vs 4:3 and of high vs. low resolution, is that it depends on the game, and in the case of resolution it also depends on HOW high resolution we are talking about.