cogadh: I love playing games on my big widescreen monitor. The higher resolution and wider field of vision is so much more immersive and enjoyable than the 4:3 resolutions of the "olden days". However, sometimes it seems that widescreen is detrimental to the game, especially with games as old as some of the ones GOG sells.
For example, one of the first things I did after buying and installing Arcanum months ago was install all of the unofficial patches and graphical improvement mods out there, including the widescreen patch. I played it for about five minutes and quit in disgust and with a bad case of eye strain. At 1680X1050, the game is just too "small" to play. I found myself leaning in to squint at my monitor, just to try and follow the gameplay, read text, etc. and was having no fun at all. Extremely disappointing, considering all the good things I had heard about this game since I missed/skipped it the first time around. Today, however, I re-installed the game, with all the patches and mods except the widescreen one. Oh my, what a difference. I could lean back in my chair and actually enjoy the game at its old 4:3 resolution (fixed aspect ratio scaling enabled, of course). The gaming "purist" in me says "this is the way it was meant to be played", but at the same time, I am thinking "who cares if it was meant to played this way, this is simply more fun".
This got me thinking: is widescreen really better? With games designed for the "widescreen era", the answer is obviously "yes", but what about older games like the ones GOG sells? With few exceptions, I am finding that "upscaling" these games to widescreen resolutions just makes them look small and crappy. What good is covering all of my monitor real estate if it make the game suck balls?
Thoughts, opinons?
It's not that covering all your monitor realestate sucks, it's that doing it at your monitor's ideal resolution makes stuff look tiny as hell. I've had the same problem. The issue with LCDs is they have "native" resolution and changing it makes things look bad, or at least it's been my experience that it does.
I'm all for widescreen patches, but I'm with you, I'd like an option to take a game meant to be played at, for example, 600x400(ish - too lazy to do the math) and instead of going to 1920x1200 (which is ideal for newer stuff) maybe doing 1400x800(ish).
The problem is, even if you can set a game to the above, I've never owned an LCD that this didn't look crappy on, even my IPS panel Cinema Display.