Halcazar: When I contaced the bank, and they said it was because GOG tried to bill it as a gambling transaction (which is not allowed for my visa gift card). No reply yet from GOG's customer service.
So is buying games from GOG now considered gambling?
stonebro: It's probably due to the fact that several gambling companies are officially based in Cyprus due to it's lean taxation laws. Your bank has gone with the easy solution and flagged all transactions to Cyprus as gambling, or something.
Thanks for the info
I got tired of waiting, so I used my Visa gift card for other purchases. The card was about to expire, and If I didn't use it Wachovia would have kept my money.
It's frustrating because I still haven't heard from GOG's customer service. I really want to know if the bank lied to me about it being a gambling transaction or if GOG lied to them, by calling it a gambling transaction. Either way I need to know which company to report to the Better Business Bureau.
So how long does it usually take for GOG's support staff to reply?