Posted June 04, 2012
There was a story a few years back about a kid who played violent video games, IIRC it was Manhunter, where you can kill someone with a wrench. This kid was killed by some other kids who beat him with a wrench. Someone tried to blame the death on the video games played by the victim. Screwed up people are going to do some screwed up stuff. If before they do it the choose to play a violent video game, or read a horror book or watch some ultra violent movie, has no bearing on how screwed up they were before that.
On a lighter note I saw an example of the exact opposite mentality regarding age appropriate video games. My sister was going to buy some games for my nephew. She was very adamant about only buying games that were rated E (for Everyone) and was quite upset that some of the games were way too complicated for young children. No, there was nothing inappropriate in the games that kids shouldn't see (which is what the rating system is for) but the games were obviously made for older players who have the necessary cognitive functions and levels of patience to handle some of the more complicated and in depth gameplay.
On a lighter note I saw an example of the exact opposite mentality regarding age appropriate video games. My sister was going to buy some games for my nephew. She was very adamant about only buying games that were rated E (for Everyone) and was quite upset that some of the games were way too complicated for young children. No, there was nothing inappropriate in the games that kids shouldn't see (which is what the rating system is for) but the games were obviously made for older players who have the necessary cognitive functions and levels of patience to handle some of the more complicated and in depth gameplay.