Nightfall87: I was just commenting this guys answer. By his logic when some nut job emulated in real life things he saw in some video game it's video game's fault.
Then by his logic if some similar maniac read Bible and emulated some of it's gruesome parts it would be Bible's fault.
Btw, on subject of criticising Bible. I don't see anything wrong in pointing out illogical thing in it. Or in any religious book for that matter. Especially when they are used as arguments in discussions on modern day issues.
Last week a mentally ill gun owner shot up a cafe in my neighborhood back home. I'd find it incredibly offensive if somebody like that jerk in the post used it as a political point for something as completely unrelated to the incidents as video games. A little later the individual fatally shot a woman while stealing here car.
I wasn't close to any of the victims, but I had met some of them and IIRC was introduced to the gunman. And doubtless run into them at various times as this was in my neighborhood and had I been back home I could very easily have been walking by the cafe on my way going somewhere.
People who use the actions of the few mentally ill individuals that go seriously off the rail and commit these sorts of actions make me sick. Quake isn't a murder simulator, hell GTA isn't a murder simulator. It may very well be in poor taste, but it isn't going to make people go out and murder people.