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People who still throw of gaming as something for children, or think it's meant for a younger audience like the posters in the answer to that yahoo answers question.

People who still throw of gaming as something for children, or think it's meant for a younger audience like the posters in the answer to that yahoo answers question.
I think they're mostly Japanese engineers with certain console manufacturers. The only console manufacturer that makes adult sized controllers is MS.

So, it's obviously an honest mistake to make given how tiny the controllers are. And don't get me started on the tiny wii fit board.

The 2nd answer bothers me more personally.
Post edited June 03, 2012 by hedwards
Letting your kid play HALO is the same as letting him shoot animals with a BB gun?
I'd love to tie that guy to a chair and shoot him with a BB gun for 30 minutes and then let him watch me play HALO for 30 minutes.. see if he still thinks they're similar.
Smannesman: Seriously?
Letting your kid play HALO is the same as letting him shoot animals with a BB gun?
I'd love to tie that guy to a chair and shoot him with a BB gun for 30 minutes and then let him watch me play HALO for 30 minutes.. see if he still thinks they're similar.
Hahaha, I completely missed that part! made my day.
Parents need to stick to morals and ethics, and the Bible states them ALL. They should teach their children these values and help them learn.
Cause in Bible no one got killed, or torchured, or anything like that.

Entire answer of this guy is outright hilarious.
Parents need to stick to morals and ethics, and the Bible states them ALL. They should teach their children these values and help them learn.
Nightfall87: Cause in Bible no one got killed, or torchured, or anything like that.

Entire answer of this guy is outright hilarious.
(Sarcasm) Yeah, but i believe in the bible people got punished for punishing... (/Sarcasm)
Oh wait. Nevermind, that's exactly your point. Oh the irony.
Please don't make fun of bible. There must be plenty of religious / Christian GOGers here.
wormholewizards: Please don't make fun of bible. There must be plenty of religious / Christian GOGers here.
Sorry, I didn't intend to criticize the bible, i meant to criticize the yahoo answers posters use of words related to the bible, as im sure the poster before me intended.
Post edited June 03, 2012 by Nroug7
wormholewizards: Please don't make fun of bible. There must be plenty of religious / Christian GOGers here.
No one made fun out of it. The guy just pointed a fact, he didnt make a joke. There is in fact killing and slavery in bible, among other bad things concerning human nature. This is not a joke. Even though he used an irony to get his point accross, it still cant be seen as a joke.

And please, dont get us started in religious BS.
Post edited June 03, 2012 by Neobr10
I was just commenting this guys answer. By his logic when some nut job emulated in real life things he saw in some video game it's video game's fault.

Then by his logic if some similar maniac read Bible and emulated some of it's gruesome parts it would be Bible's fault.

Btw, on subject of criticising Bible. I don't see anything wrong in pointing out illogical thing in it. Or in any religious book for that matter. Especially when they are used as arguments in discussions on modern day issues.
wormholewizards: Please don't make fun of bible. There must be plenty of religious / Christian GOGers here.
Nroug7: Sorry, I didn't intend to criticize the bible, i meant to criticize the yahoo answers posters use of words related to the bible, as im sure the poster before me intended.
Don't be too sorry, there is very little you shouldn't make fun of and organized religion is definitely not on that list.
You don't want to become so overly P.C. like some people in the U.S. that you have to spend fifteen minutes thinking about every sentence you write/speak.
Nroug7: Sorry, I didn't intend to criticize the bible, i meant to criticize the yahoo answers posters use of words related to the bible, as im sure the poster before me intended.
Smannesman: Don't be too sorry, there is very little you shouldn't make fun of and organized religion is definitely not on that list.
You don't want to become so overly P.C. like some people in the U.S. that you have to spend fifteen minutes thinking about every sentence you write/speak.
I was simply been sincere, There is a huge difference between actually been apologetic and been sincere.
Parents need to stick to morals and ethics, and the Bible states them ALL. They should teach their children these values and help them learn.
Nightfall87: Cause in Bible no one got killed, or torchured, or anything like that.

Entire answer of this guy is outright hilarious.
Where in the Bible does it say video games are bad anyway...-looks at Bible-
Oh there, the 14th Commandment "Thou Shalt Not Play Video Games", right after "Thou Shalt Not Rape." The Bible does have ALL the morals!

Also, just for Wormholewizards
Nightfall87: Cause in Bible no one got killed, or torchured, or anything like that.

Entire answer of this guy is outright hilarious.
Immoli: Where in the Bible does it say video games are bad anyway...-looks at Bible-
Oh there, the 14th Commandment "Thou Shalt Not Play Video Games", right after "Thou Shalt Not Rape." The Bible does have ALL the morals!

Also, just for Wormholewizards
I don't feel anything tbh. Not affect or annoy me at all (i don't read Bible). It's just i don't think it's appropriate to talk about bible in this thread, because it might turn to something else, based on numerous past experience here. That's all, i'm just being sincere... don't think that's wrong. On second thought, i shouldn't stick my nose in this. Just do whatever you guys feel right. Freedom of speech after all.
Nightfall87: I was just commenting this guys answer. By his logic when some nut job emulated in real life things he saw in some video game it's video game's fault.

Then by his logic if some similar maniac read Bible and emulated some of it's gruesome parts it would be Bible's fault.

Btw, on subject of criticising Bible. I don't see anything wrong in pointing out illogical thing in it. Or in any religious book for that matter. Especially when they are used as arguments in discussions on modern day issues.
Last week a mentally ill gun owner shot up a cafe in my neighborhood back home. I'd find it incredibly offensive if somebody like that jerk in the post used it as a political point for something as completely unrelated to the incidents as video games. A little later the individual fatally shot a woman while stealing here car.

I wasn't close to any of the victims, but I had met some of them and IIRC was introduced to the gunman. And doubtless run into them at various times as this was in my neighborhood and had I been back home I could very easily have been walking by the cafe on my way going somewhere.

People who use the actions of the few mentally ill individuals that go seriously off the rail and commit these sorts of actions make me sick. Quake isn't a murder simulator, hell GTA isn't a murder simulator. It may very well be in poor taste, but it isn't going to make people go out and murder people.