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Itkovian: I continue to be flabbergasted by reviewers who are bothered by the doors.

Those are LOADING screens, disguised within the gameplay. They're not obstacles the designers intentionally put in to annoy you. They're there to hide a loading screen, and manage it quite well. To complain that you cannot walk through when NPCs do is just plain silly.
I can ignore them myself, but I'd say the point that people are making is that you should be able to walk into or click on the open door frame and exit, rather than having to wait for the door to slam in your face before opening it again. It's not the fact it's a loading zone, it's the fact it's cumbersome. In TW1 you could just walk into an open crypt exit or to the edge of a map and it would load the next area, CDPR could have made it so if you walk into an open door, the same happens. It is a flaw, albeit a tiny one.

Anyway, Jim Sterling (the Destructoid reviewer in this case) gave Deadly Premonition 10/10 despite it actually having the exact flaws he accused TW2 of having. He justified it by saying that he basically liked the spirit of the game, meaning that his reviews come down to LOL OPINIONS rather than actually being objective ratings. In other words, a professional reviewer wouldn't give Forza 3 a 4/10 just because they find racing games boring, Jim Sterling would.
I hope you all know that Jim Sterling is a certified troll.
Let's hunt 'im down , folks. Grab the pitchforks! FOR TEMERIA
Post edited May 25, 2011 by HenriqueVT
MihaiHornet: I agree, this is a spiteful review. But the real problem is the way Geralt moves, he does turn his back to attackers a lot because he is unable to back away or side step. IMO this is the single most annoying and stupid thing about combat. It is even obvious from combat videos.
Cyjack: Have you not discovered the dodge key? I cant fathom any other reason for this statement. There may not be FPS style strafing, but he can reposition to the side or rear quickly and effortlessly.
Of course you can't.

Please allow me to explain as clearly and slowly as I can so hopefully it will be easy enough to understand.

I know about the roll key (master witcher Geralt can only roll now) and I also now that you can double tap the WASD keys to roll in the respective direction.


1. If you press roll key (space) you only roll forward.
2. Double tapping WASD keys turns Geralt in that direction and rolls which means if you double tap S you will roll backwards and face backwards. Now how stupid is that when you are turning your back/flank to attackers?
3. Well, of course you can reposition to the side or rear quickly and effortlessly, I never said you can't, is just that... (are you still with me?) every time you roll you are facing in the direction of the roll even if it means turning tail to your attacker.

Now please pay a little more attention. It's easy to learn the new combat system and use it as it is, I have no problem with that. And yes, it is fun. What I say is that because of this limitation, combat looks some times really silly, I like to call it chicken run. :)

Now why did CDP did this, you ask. Because they optimized TW2 for gamepad.

PS Guess what. I played again the barricade fight from the prologue. I was able to lure only one or two of the defenders at once and kill them while the others were waiting their turn politely.
Post edited May 25, 2011 by MihaiHornet
that's because you aren't bound to the enemy. if you want to turn to face him after a roll, you have to do it manually. that's the the beauty of this game, you're no longer able to rely on old gaming conventions. it might seem like an oversight at first, but it's clearly a design decision. you are granted more control over your character at the cost of some hand holding features.
soldiergeralt: that's because you aren't bound to the enemy. if you want to turn to face him after a roll, you have to do it manually. that's the the beauty of this game, you're no longer able to rely on old gaming conventions. it might seem like an oversight at first, but it's clearly a design decision. you are granted more control over your character at the cost of some hand holding features.
I can see your point but that's not the case I'm afraid. Simply when moving around, not only in combat, Geralt always behaves like this. Unlike in The Witcher. I agree, it is a design decision, but for entirely other reasons.

EDIT To make my opinion a little more clear. I didn't mind this in DAO but in TW2 it nags me.
Post edited May 25, 2011 by MihaiHornet
Maybe they are playing on a amd machine i know i have low fps with 3 video cards lol. These developers are going to have to start sending press kits to the driver makers so this crap doesnt keep happening on new game launches.
Moradin27: I can't take Destructoid reviews seriously. LOL he gave Fable 3 4/10 and Kane and Lynch 2 1/10.
WastedJoker: Neither of those games were good though.

Seems to me like the guy saw The Witcher 2 had generally excellent reviews an thought, "Hey, I want to drive traffic to my site, let's give a 9/10 game a 6/10 score!!"
A matter of opinion. My point is that other sites gave those 2 games favourable reviews especially Fable 3. I enjoyed them. Kane and Lynch 2 is certainly not worth a 1/10. He seemed like he was trolling.
It's such a poorly written review but not surprising considering the source. He trolls for hits and the backlash feeds his ego.
wtf is destructoid?
Dragmedown: wtf is destructoid?
A shitty review site. Read RockPaperShotgun instead
that fat reject needs to go the the gym and stop hating on brilliant games and giving the worse games ever created great reviews..

I feel sorry for the other fat pathetic drones who read his review and take his oppinion to heart..

Anythin below a 8/10 for this game is a huge insult on the person who gives it a low scores intelligence...

im glad to PC community told that fat loser to go **** himself :)
He's one of those reviewers you take with a grain of salt. When I read something like that I tend to dismiss the rants as that is usually all that they are with no substance. People like this are the ones who get the flame wars started ( as one poster put it, " a professional Troll ". I usually don't even waste my time writing a review of the review.
You all realize that this Destructoid reviewer must be laughing with glee and absolutely so happy that so many TW2 fans care what he thinks and care enough to read his rant of infantile drivel.
So.. if you decide to hunt him down.. then I'll offer ye a hand... or a knoif!