MihaiHornet: C'mon, he can't walk backwards, sidestep, spin, jump over foes. All he can do is turn left/right/back and run/roll. Of course, he can climb and jump but only in pre defined locations and not in fight.
curlyhairedboy: yeah, true. but none of those things were actually effective in the witcher 1. in that game, you were very much glued to a "grid" around enemies. sure, you had some flashy animations that would shift you around that grid, but you didn't have the positioning freedom that you have in the witcher 2.
for example, what happens when the grid spaces around an enemy are completely filled up with other enemies? well, suddenly, all your 'options' are locked away and you have literally nowhere to go.
witcher 1: animations tied to positioning; if you can't reach the right position, you can't do the animation
witcher 2: animations NOT tied to posiitoning; you can still perform animations despite them not ending where the game usually expects them to. you can change directions mid-roll, etc.
In W1, when "spaces in the grid" are filled with enemies, you could switch to group fighting style, which you can't do in W2, and use your signs to knock them away and find a crevice to escape the "circle of death". BTW, in W2, you can also get surrounded and not be able to move, so..
As for animations tied to a "spot" or where the game expects you to be, ave you tried to cast a sign in W2? Like Quen, for example? Or use your medallion? Your character needs to stop, then cast, then the animation plays, then, whoever is chasing you catches up to you.