Telic: Mmm, as someone who is the victim of un-downloadable downloadable content - does anyone know if you get a chance to re-visit chapter 1 areas later on in the game ?
Jamanticus: No, there's no going back to Flotsam after you leave at the end of Chapter 1.
Ah well, let's see if the patch comes out tomorrow - in which case, I've only just finished chapter 1 so I don't mind replaying 10 minutes again...
If the patch takes longer than that, then I'll just plough on with the game, and the devs can kiss farewell to another customer's good-will.
I'm now through with pre-paying for the right to test people's software for them ;)
In fact I'm really starting to think practicing a little patience and waiting to play new releases for a few months will save a lot of hassle; not to mention saving money when this is half price on Steam one weekend in the not too distant future ;p