mippoh: hmm.. getting late in Poland.
Lets hope they didn't go home without posting an update.
cloud8521: possible it wont come today, they did say that its estimated today
Key word is "estimate" My guess....getting late. Programmers don't work well when burned out. Probably found some last minute bugs in the bug fixes and are trying to sort it out. Trust me, better to delay a few days then pull a couple all nighters and risk coders being in zombie mode.
The guys at CDPR have been under a LOT of pressure. They may not know the old Star Trek saying: "If you tell them how long it will really take, you'll never be known as a 'Miracle Worker'". This should everyone's project forumla: Take the worst possible completion time you can imagine, add 30%, and tell the project champion that is your EARLIEST possible completion date so he'll add 30%. Then if you manage to get it done in that time (rare) all will be happy. If earlier='Miracle Worker' See...simple (seriously?!?) I'm okay with delays like this, as long as it eventually gets worked out. Some notice from the staff (not programmers..too busy/tired) saying "sorry, this is taking longer, new ETA...x" would be kinda cool.