There was a PC port of this game that Konami handled in the worst possible way: Turn it into a live-service singleplayer game. I meant every word of it. This game is an important target for preservation. The description of a partially recovered version of this game on The Internet Archive says it best:
This game was not sold like a traditional CD-ROM release. Rather, a USB game controller was sold in stores under the "Konami Live" brand. Upon plugging in the controller to a computer, the game's executable would be installed. Then, on loading screens, game assets would be downloaded as they were needed. This was neat, but it meant when the servers shut down in 2012/2013, the game became unplayable. We were lucky enough to find someone who had around 25% of the game files on an old hard-drive backup. We were able to reconstruct the missing files using assets found on console releases of the game. This means the game is in a fully playable state, even if it took some modifications to get it to work. We are still hoping to find the rest of the original authentic files though, because we know our recreations are not perfect replicas of the PC files due to entries in hfstable.dat differing.