wayke: Unless you praise whomever it may concern on those other forums criticism is met with flaming and purely insulting destructive types that blame the user / users, It's a pathetic state that continues on for profit the confused fanbois that advocate for these liars are the same as the cancel culture people they will follow you around steam and make a mockery of legitimate issues, with all of that then Valve call it a pattern and reasonable excuse to ban people that disagree.
GreatWarriox: The fact is that Cyberpunk had one of the best debuts in the history of game industry. Game series needs time to develop etc, thats how they become part of game industry.
Everyone is praising how awesome GTA5 is, guess what, they had 20+ year brand and fans behind them.
Rockstar titles have people on their teams that go back to the 80s text based adventures series games with loads of experience console games platformers top down shooters odd games that are not popular in anyway but are very functional on those respected platforms, They know tricks older than CDPR.
Apart from loading on GTA 5 the game is optimised extremely well and considering it was released 2013 its functionality is still far beyond that of CP2077, unlike GTA iv which to me is a pile of crap with a good story, Where's to me GTA 5 is a good game with a crap story, The GTA Series has improved on it self time and time again, With Function options performance Animations Graphical enhancements those games all have better Ai than CP2077, Even the 90s GTA II has better cop Ai than CP2077 and that was a Top Down game even the pedestrians worked better.
The Red Engine is Great but the underdeveloped almost mentally challenged Ai is terrifyingly horrible.
CP2077 has more in common with Saints Row 1 - 2 bad physics or lack of terrible Ai stupid pop-in items bad portal culling positions horrid z fighting and offset problems.
GTA 5 can be written off as a bad game by some but functionally it's a better game than most, Even a potato can run GTA 5 well enough to enjoy online for what it is.