R_M_B: I actual agree on both points:
- some people bought marketing and promises and are now disappointed
- yes, looks entitled as f..k
But whatever suits you - I wish you to get your refund and carry on.
Omarios: Sorry, just wanted to be 100% clear:
Do you really think that paying £50 for a video game and expecting that game to be running stable and free of significant glitches is ‘entitled as f—k’?
Do you genuinely think that? I just wouldn’t want to misunderstand you here.
That is the problem with 1 / 0 approach - it never works in real life. So let me say it that way:
Paying whatever amount for a product or service give you right of getting that. And if it does not work - either right to get it fixed and refunded. And that is exactly what CPDR is doing now (minus the holidays delays).
Now paying whatever amount for a promise of a service that is not yet completely defined and ready, that is at best risky behavior - it might be what you wanted but it may as well be totally different. And specially so in realm of computer games - we all know for decades now that until they are launched, you cant really know how will pay like.
For me it was 3DO and HoMM4 back in 2002 but there are hundreds of more recent and prominent examples of that situation.
And from this perspective it is entitlement-ish behavior. And it is not hard to imagine some more di.k headed company that would simply refuse the refunds.
I concentrated on "game is different" aspect but it generally apply to "game have issues at launch". That is actually much more common and widespread in general software industry, not only games.