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UPDATE: Heads up! There are 24h left, so now is the time to take advantage of the amazing deals and upgrade your collections. Eyes on the price, Boo, eyes on the price!

Years ago, the Baldur's Gate series changed the way we look at gaming and the scope of what was considered possible. Even now, the legacy continues through the Enhanced Editions – thanks to the hard work and years of updates to keep the inimitable Infinity Engine living on.

It's the work on the Enhanced Editions that made <span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear</span> possible – the just-released, massive expansion to the timeless classic, available only for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.

"The team at Beamdog was able to breathe a new life into the Infinity Engine classics." says Greg Tito, Communications Director for Dungeons & Dragons "We're proud to recognize their excellent work in offering the best possible experience and support for these legendary titles. We want these to become the definitive editions – featuring both the enhanced and classic versions of the games."

On April 29, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition will be expanded to include the classic versions – each becoming the Definitive Edition Bundle and not available for purchase separately. If you already own the classics on, the games currently on your shelf won't be affected.

"We're excited to take our commitment and support to Baldur's Gate and GOG fans to the next level and humbled to work with such great partners. The Definitive Edition Bundle will give every Baldur's Gate fan what they're looking for" – concludes Cameron Tofer, Beamdog COO.

In the near future, we're also looking forward to full GOG Galaxy support for achievements in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition – as well as in the Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear expansion.

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition will be 75% off until April 4 11:59 PM PDT / April 5 2:59 AM EDT/ 7:59 BST and 60% off until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST. The 60% discount for Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST. The 85% discount for owners of the original saga will last until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST.
Post edited April 02, 2016 by maladr0Id
sunshinecorp: Does anyone have links to screenshots of version 2.0? I've been trying to google some but can't find any. I want to see what the fuss is about (UI and graphics changes) without having to reinstall (bandwidth troubles). So if someone has a link handy to a gallery with version 2.0 screenshots, I'd appreciate it, thanks.
sunshinecorp: Does anyone have links to screenshots of version 2.0? I've been trying to google some but can't find any. I want to see what the fuss is about (UI and graphics changes) without having to reinstall (bandwidth troubles). So if someone has a link handy to a gallery with version 2.0 screenshots, I'd appreciate it, thanks.
Thanks. From a first look, I can't see what's so awful about it.
EDIT: Second look tells me I'm not fond of how the sprites stand out (shading?) and of the selection circles. I don't hate the health bars.
Post edited April 02, 2016 by sunshinecorp
Maxvorstadt: Patch (1 March 2016)

Compatibility with Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear expansion added.
So, I've installed and started playing the older BG EE version few days ago, and it seems I have to start all over if I want to play the expansion, right? Oh well, at least I'm still in the beginning, so it won't be such a big deal. Though I'd probably do it for the "hundreds of bug fixes" part alone too.
sunshinecorp: Thanks. From a first look, I can't see what's so awful about it.
Font sizes that don't scale well or at all, the outlines around your character (looks like a cartoon now, but can be disabled), those health bars (fixed size, btw) above your enemies/ characters (can be disabled, too). Text popups that look like those of any modern OS and look quite out of place. (but that's not related to version 2.x).
sunshinecorp: Thanks. From a first look, I can't see what's so awful about it.
classicgogger: Font sizes that don't scale well or at all, the outlines around your character (looks like a cartoon now, but can be disabled), those health bars (fixed size, btw) above your enemies/ characters (can be disabled, too). Text popups that look like those of any modern OS and look quite out of place. (but that's not related to version 2.x).
Yes I noticed the cell shading and it's awful. Glad it can be disabled. Health bars I don't really mind, but glad they can also be disabled.
sunshinecorp: Does anyone have links to screenshots of version 2.0? I've been trying to google some but can't find any. I want to see what the fuss is about (UI and graphics changes) without having to reinstall (bandwidth troubles). So if someone has a link handy to a gallery with version 2.0 screenshots, I'd appreciate it, thanks.
I bought EE editions both on steam and GOG and I tried BG1. Why does the characters look like this? How can I make them look like the original versions? I dont want my characters to look like candy bars.
Engerek01: I bought EE editions both on steam and GOG and I tried BG1. Why does the characters look like this? How can I make them look like the original versions? I dont want my characters to look like candy bars.
Go to Options -> Graphics -> and disable the third option from the bottom.
Engerek01: I bought EE editions both on steam and GOG and I tried BG1. Why does the characters look like this? How can I make them look like the original versions? I dont want my characters to look like candy bars.
classicgogger: Go to Options -> Graphics -> and disable the third option from the bottom.
Thank you. Tho it was "Sprite Outlines" and was not the third option.
Please GOG, just mention "one" beneficial reason for the customer to bundle the EE versions with the classic versions which include many bonus items.

Needless to say that you can use the numerous enhancements available for the classic versions to achieve a state of the games that is on par with the EE versions.
I just bought the Enhanced Edition of Baldur's Gate on Steam because it was on sale.
Good thing I didn't play it yet, because it's time to get a refund and purchase the GoG version ;)
(that's kind of mean, isn't it? But GoG needs to be come the dominant platform)
How big is going to be the price increase cause of the bundling?
Wouldn't be surprised if modders make/made the EE content for Classic BG (wishful thinking on maybe see SoD).
phaolo: Is it true that the EE also miss the original FMV cutscene sequences? O_o
Thanks, even if having to restore good original content in a Definitive Edition via mods is absurd. :\
Matruchus: How big is going to be the price increase cause of the bundling?
I see what you mean
Question thought. With the so called definative editions. I notice the original versions are still listed as Bioware/Hasbro. Do the proceeds from sale of the originals go directly to Bioware/Hasbro as opposed to the EE ?. If so......
Post edited April 02, 2016 by Niggles
Engerek01: Why does the characters look like this? [..]
classicgogger: Go to Options -> Graphics -> and disable the third option from the bottom.
Btw, am I the only one that never liked the original BG character full avatars in the inventory? They're so crap..
Those should have been changed, instead.
Post edited April 02, 2016 by phaolo