sanscript: Hello ScouseMouse!
I've been seeing some of your videos now and I have to admit that I will continue to watch your stuff.
Like Gopher, Carnage, ENB and others, I find your calm, natural and stable chatting quite charming and relaxing. Can't stand annoying bratty sensationalistic americans who screams with massive animations all the time. :D
Thank you and keep doing what you do! Actually, thanks to you I'm considering playing certain games that I never was able to play when I was young.
Aww thank you Sanscript, that's really love to hear. I'm exactly the same about not liking the annoying bratty type, which I guess is exactly why I make them the way I do. It's great to hear that it's getting you playing some older games, one of the main reasons I set up the channel was to show off some games that I love that I know are not very well known.
Something brand new on the channel tonight, our first episode of Super Mario Maker where you provide the levels. Let me know if you've got a level for me and I'll definitely play it in an upcoming episode