HypersomniacLive: I hope everyone had a lovely and festive time with their loved ones. I wish you all a happy and healthy entry into 2024!
Heartfelt thanks to
my Secret Santa! I asked for a stocking size S, and you went and filled one of size 4XL!
I will head your words every time I enjoy a game from the wonderful collection you gifted me. ;-P
I can only hope and wish that life's at least as thoughtful and generous to you as you've been to me this season.
To our
GOG Elf, thank you for the surprise gift, and most of all for supporting and participating in our long standing tradition.
Extra big shout out to
Santa zeffyr, you're the perfect Santa Host with your cheerful and charming demeanour; I could picture you slipping down and up chimneys with your huge sack of gifts, quietly placing each one's gift under the tree with a big smile on your face. Hopefully, at least one of us left you a glass of milk and some cookies (I was naughty and didn't).
Last, but not least, thanks to all the Santas and Elves for doing their part in making this annual community event a heart warming experience I had missed all the years I couldn't partake; being part of this lovely tradition made this year's festive season a little more special, and that's thanks to all of you.
I'm glad to hear you're in a bit of a better place. This forum would be worse off without you.