neumi5694: I really don't need more options. Sure, having different outcomes in adventure games is nice up to a certain point, but I rather have ONE well written storyline and well designed game than multiple half baked scenarios, where in every single one you get the feeling that you fucked up. What telltale games miss completely, are rewards. You never have the feeling of having made the right choice, they always leave you with the feeling that you did something wrong. No matter what you chose, you always have to let someone down.
I don't require those optional routes either, same as you as long as the story is good. But if there is a fail state of 'fails to get back in the time machine in time' and then it's like fade out, and having some short fallout images of how it turned out. But it's those same characters in the act of 4 that would appear out saying how their game was a bad ending, and tied. Though honestly with how they basically had it as multiple universes (
akin to DBZ with Cell and Trunks)... *shrugs*
Yeah, i agree, no reward, no payoff. It ended with 'frankly madam, i don't give a damn' and them driving away.
Actually thinking about it, after beating 2 fallout games... i actually didn't like how those endings were. 3-4 static ending sequences, with filler '
these things also happened' depending on how you handled the factions. Though for individual failure states it would be more specific. i don't know.
neumi5694: Btw. the most complex time travel game ever is Timeloop Hunter. The pdf walkthrough has no descriptions, it's just a line by line guide and is 200 pages long. If one doesn't get scared away from this being a game for adults, this is quite a experience.
Sounds a bit overkill. Like the '
don't touch anything' game, which has like 200 endings/states depending on what you do in what order, including doing nothing for 3-5 minutes.
I think I'd prefer something a little lower level, like 3 main paths, and each of those 3 options have 3 endings; And that's about as far as it goes. Not so complex that you can't brute force it, or use knowledge from before, or just watch the endings on youtube. Though i know Chrono Trigger had something like 18 endings, though a number of them were basically identical except '
if you killed magus, then frog is human trey instead', and depending on how many of them were present in the ending depending on when and where you defeated the final boss.