Strijkbout: Well, you got me thinking, Borderlands is taking place in a post apocalyptic Disneyland, but I like Borderlands a lot.
Fallout 3 and New Vegas are just too boring for me I guess.
They are slow games, admittedly, and esp. FO3 has a lot of problems. I like slow though and avoid stuff like "quick travel" wherever possible (if it's not in-game, like Guild Teleport or Stilt Striders in Morrowind).
I've played only a bit of NV so far, and it's different in that it takes place in a desert which has always been a desert. So far I'm liking it a lot, more than Skyrim at least.
I tried Borderlands at a friend's place and this one I found utterly boring. I liked the style, but it was typical ARPG stuff - kill, loot, level. And with quickly respawning mobs...
clarry: My unpopular opinion about games: the vast majority of them are garbage. KOTOR included. Especially KOTOR.
That's why you have 1164 of them ;-)