Entry to the party is surprisingly smooth, no one even bats an eye as you pass up the stairs and through the doors.
In the ballroom, a quartet of strings plays a light and relaxing tune. The room is crowded and you can hardly take a step without bumping into someone, forcing you into numerous awkward apologies.
You spot a female Nog dignitary being escorted by two of her own kind and a rotund, wealthy-looking Vasar male dancing with a thin, pale lipped human female. Other than that, the crowd is almost entirely human.
Many servants have spread throughout the room, passing out wine, cheese and a rather putrid looking purple vegetable that you'd rather not touch.
After making your way through the packed room, you have located the passage that will take you to the archives where you must plant the document. However, it is guarded by two soldiers.
Between the three of you, you certainly have the capacity to defeat these two soldiers, but reinforcements would arrive quickly.
Ruk suggested mingling and waiting for the right moment to strike. That's one possibility. Perhaps the soldiers will let their guard down at some point?
There's no other obvious passage to the archives. So, if waiting/mingling isn't your preference, you're going to have to get creative. But how?