DukeNukemForever: I don't know where your hate comes from, but to put everything in one big pot and put a label on it isn't very helpful and the solution to anything.
Tantrix: Hatred? Me? Then explain me this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-PeRCrIuWM 1,42. There one of those peace loving Antifas was making a Hitler Gruß and said "Ausschwitz Heil."
I am only stating the obvious. I am an opinion loving fella with disperity and all, but if an anti-democratic movement, especially a German one, is disrupting other nation's sovereignty for ideological reasons, this is a no-go for me. I learned to much from Weimar, 3rd Reich and RAF to tollerate that.
Maybe you should start thinking critically and not shrug other views off as "hatred". Maybe start reading a book and learn about those groups you try to defend.
Also, where did you get that greenpeace bit? I only spoke about the Antifa.
Watched the movie and you can hardly hear something about Auschwitz (not seeing from whom btw) and a moments later one guy (not shown it's german, antifa or something else) raising his hand a little bit, but not as Hitlergruß, more as showing the direction. I really heard that part with headphones for about 9 times, and it's really hard understand what he exactly said. The first word can maybe be Auschwitz, but the second is not a Heil for me, sorry. And that's really a proof for you the whole Antifa as organisation and all it's subgroups (not all are german btw) are bad? You really put them on the same level as the RAF, Weimar and 3rd Reich? Sorry, it's late and I'm tired, but what you did is full of allegations, stereotypes and prejudices, but no facts! That's why I also put greenpeace on the list, because you mixed all prejudices which have closed conservatives against everything what looks different, mixed with full of hate. And yes, you sound awfuly hateful to me.
Edit: Btw, I really love how you post no facts but tell other to read a book to get informations. Personally I know that there are also some black sheeps in the antifa, but you don't understand the whole organisation structure of the antifa.There is no really organisation, that's why there are so many different subgroups - very peaceful but also some more radical. If you don't understand this I'm sorry for you.