tomimt: Indeed, sell Shadowrun to some one who has no prior knowledge of the series and who has already pledged on Wasteland 2. I get that it is fantasy cyberpunk, but what else?
It's a stupidly complex history, but here's an outline (keep in mind this was written in the 80s when the 2000s were 20 years off):
1999: During a New York food shortage resulted in a mob attacking a chemical truck thinking that it was a food truck. The truck's guards shot into the mob to defend it, and in court the company claimed that if the chemicals had been released accidentally it would have caused more loss of life, so the use of deadly force was justified. The US Supreme Court agreed.
2000: Some eco-terrorists attacked an oil facility and the corp security responded with deadly force. In the court decision for that case, corp property was declared to be "extra territorial" space (like a foreign embassy is). Other countries eventually followed with this ruling; corp law
is the law on corp land, regardless of where that land is.
2012: magic returns to earth. Think of earth as a tidal pool, and magic as water. 4,000 years ago the tide went out and the pool dried up, anything that couldn't "survive on land" so to speak (that is: without magic) reverted into a mundane form during this time (elves and trolls became human, centaurs became horses, etc). That's why human history doesn't record any actual elves and stuff and everyone thought it was all a myth. Oh how wrong that history was. This was known as the "Awakening".
2026 - 2029: From 2026 to 2029 a company worked on the first cyberterminal. It was a big huge booth thing that you lie down in and hook your brain up to (like in The Matrix or Avatar), and then you can cybernetically control a computer with your brain. Not only are you controlling the computer with your brain, but the computer can use part of your brain to leverage its own processing, making a cybernetic computer immensely more powerful than a non-cybernetic one. Since then (SR games are set in the 2050s or later) the devices have become smaller until they're laptop sized and hooked into your neck with a cable. A "cyberdeck" is used by a "decker", who performs various hacking tasks for a shadowrunning team.
2029: Also in 2029, and possibly related to the development of cyberterminals, the nastiest computer virus ever hit the Earth. It began deleting everything. Even computers not hooked up to an infected machine would somehow become infected and spread the virus. A team of 32 expert cyber-hackers was formed to go into the internet and combat the virus, and after 18 minutes 4 of them were already dead from lethal bio-feedback. It took the group until 2031 to finally eliminate the virus, and people kept dying to it, but the data from those operations informed the development of "Black" programs; programs that shoot deadly signals into your brain until you die. "Black ICE" software protects almost all the heavy stuff these days, so cyberhacking is not to be taken lightly. This event came known to be the "Crash of '29", and the world lost huge portions of its pre-crash records during it. Out of the crash, the internet eventually formed into a new and more resilient network known as the Matrix (but remember, this was before the movie came out, so they copied this if there was any copying at all, but really it's just a word so it's all cool).
2032 - 2050s: Stuff happens, by now the megacorperations (think Viacom levels of corporate power) have their own court of like 8 dudes who vote on the laws that the corps should follow if they don't want to be penalized or blacklisted, but not all Corporate Court laws are followed all the time, because each corp has their own military force, and the megacorps have more military force than lots of small countries do, so sometimes they just point guns at each other when that's cheaper than following the rules.
A lot of the time they have to point guns at each other semi-secretly.
That's where you come in. Shadowrunners are hired by people to do spy stuff against other people. Usually corps against other corps, but sometimes mobsters, and even sometimes governments. You play a character that gets shady things done and lives to tell the tale. This might make you like The A-Team, or it might make you like Oceans Eleven, that's up to you.