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2K Games’ Sid Meier’s Civilization® V Shipping with Steamworks
Shame :-( , one more game series ruined for me (have owned all games in the series, including spinoffs, at some point). They obviously don't want or need money from custormers who don't use steam and prefer other DD services.
Petrell: 2K Games’ Sid Meier’s Civilization� V Shipping with Steamworks
Shame :-( , one more game series ruined for me (have owned all games in the series, including spinoffs, at some point). They obviously don't want or need money from custormers who don't use steam and prefer other DD services.

don't worry i feel your pain as well. when something goes steam you just can't buy a copy of said game with out being force to use steam.
I got a box copy of the game in order to not use steam. if i wanted to use steam i would of gotten the fucking game off of steam its self.
pieman: don't worry i feel your pain as well. when something goes steam you just can't buy a copy of said game with out being force to use steam.
I got a box copy of the game in order to not use steam. if i wanted to use steam i would of gotten the fucking game off of steam its self.

Unfortunately buying boxed copy won't help you avoid steam unless you use crack as all versions of game use steamworks and require steam account and client in order to work.
Didn't we already have a thread where people could talk about Steamworks in Civ V? Seriously, is EVERY SINGLE THREAD going to devolve in to nothing but talking about a game's DRM?
Crassmaster: Didn't we already have a thread where people could talk about Steamworks in Civ V? Seriously, is EVERY SINGLE THREAD going to devolve in to nothing but talking about a game's DRM?

I believe you may be refering to Fallout: New Vegas -- The Bad News, topic that was about Fallout: New Vegas using steamworks and thus being Steam exlusive.
Also the problem most people have this isn't steam or DRM per se, it's the fact that using steamworks makes game Steam exlusive and you can't buy those games anywhere without haviving to get steam account and install steam. No competing DD service in their right mind will offer game that use steamworks. Personally I would even buy version of Civ5 that had no multiplayer or so callled community features if I could buy it without having to deal with steam. I'd ever play singleplayer anyway nor do I care about DLC as modders make 1000x better stuff than DLC will ever offer. Developers should consentrate on making proper expansions rather than DLC crapware.
Crassmaster: Didn't we already have a thread where people could talk about Steamworks in Civ V? Seriously, is EVERY SINGLE THREAD going to devolve in to nothing but talking about a game's DRM?

Yeah, sadly it has been like this in this forum, at least this month. Guess it's time to create an ULTRA "DRM/Steamworks/Impulse Reactor/etc bash thread", isn't it?
Petrell: I believe you may be refering to Fallout: New Vegas -- The Bad News, topic that was about Fallout: New Vegas using steamworks and thus being Steam exlusive.
Also the problem most people have this isn't steam or DRM per se, it's the fact that using steamworks makes game Steam exlusive and you can't buy those games anywhere without haviving to get steam account and install steam. No competing DD service in their right mind will offer game that use steamworks. Personally I would even buy version of Civ5 that had no multiplayer or so callled community features if I could buy it without having to deal with steam. I'd ever play singleplayer anyway nor do I care about DLC as modders make 1000x better stuff than DLC will ever offer.

I'm fine with steam if the game has multiplayer, because you will need to be online to play it anyway.
But requiring steam for single-player games is nonsense... you go to a store, buy the prettiest collector's edition that money can buy at retail, and end up with a DVD which is worth of nothing, because the game can be downloaded from steam anyway.
The online requirement is just there for achievements and DRM, and store exclusivity of course.
Petrell: Developers should consentrate on making proper expansions rather than DLC crapware.

It's all about dlc now, even with the pre-order of Civ5 you get a exclusive DLC map pack...
Crassmaster: Didn't we already have a thread where people could talk about Steamworks in Civ V? Seriously, is EVERY SINGLE THREAD going to devolve in to nothing but talking about a game's DRM?
Petrell: I believe you may be refering to Fallout: New Vegas -- The Bad News, topic that was about Fallout: New Vegas using steamworks and thus being Steam exlusive.
Also the problem most people have this isn't steam or DRM per se, it's the fact that using steamworks makes game Steam exlusive and you can't buy those games anywhere without haviving to get steam account and install steam. No competing DD service in their right mind will offer game that use steamworks. Personally I would even buy version of Civ5 that had no multiplayer or so callled community features if I could buy it without having to deal with steam. I'd ever play singleplayer anyway nor do I care about DLC as modders make 1000x better stuff than DLC will ever offer. Developers should consentrate on making proper expansions rather than DLC crapware.

I'm sure there was a Civ V DRM thread at one point...I remember it existing.
The thing is, I have absolutely no issue with people talking about DRM issues...Christ, I write content for a blog site entirely devoted to stuff like that and consumer rights and the like. The thing is, I'm just tired of seeing seemingly every thread about a game become a discussion entirely dominated by DRM talk. At a certain point, people want to talk about the game. And as tac said, it just seems like that's almost impossible lately.
Nothing person at all, Petrell, and I totally get that you're disappointed in the decision, it just sometimes gets to me. :)
As for your points, when it comes to DLC it depends on what's in there. I mean, if it's a decent amount of content for a reasonable price, I'm fine with it. And some of the DLC out there really IS an expansion by another name.
Crassmaster: I'm sure there was a Civ V DRM thread at one point...I remember it existing.

You're right, there's this one here.
By the way, the Civ5 site was re-launched and now there is a Podcast:
"Episode One: Welcome to Civilization V
The Civilization V development team at Firaxis introduces the latest iteration in this addicting gaming franchise and talk a little bit about the game’s history and key design elements they are focusing on for the title."
Crassmaster: I'm sure there was a Civ V DRM thread at one point...I remember it existing.
The thing is, I have absolutely no issue with people talking about DRM issues...Christ, I write content for a blog site entirely devoted to stuff like that and consumer rights and the like. The thing is, I'm just tired of seeing seemingly every thread about a game become a discussion entirely dominated by DRM talk. At a certain point, people want to talk about the game. And as tac said, it just seems like that's almost impossible lately.
Nothing person at all, Petrell, and I totally get that you're disappointed in the decision, it just sometimes gets to me. :)

Well the major problem with using steamworks is not DRM per se (while it may be major reason not to use steam), it's the fact that using it makes game Steam exlusive and deprives custormer the choise of where yo buy it as well as other DD vendors the sales and customers in the long run (no sane DD vendor will sell game with steamworks as it's basically advertising competitor as it would force/make their custormers use competing DD platform).
Using steamworks also makes it highly likely that the developer/publisher will continue to use steamworks in future games in the series as well as other games they'll develop and publish (see Empire: Total War and it's squels). As the steam userbase grows and other DD services shrinks even more developers and publishers will abandon other DD services in favour of Steam. Other multiplayer palforms also suffer from this trend as they lose users and and developers/publishers that formely used and funded the development of their platform.
If this trend continues more and more users, developers and publishers will move to use Steam exlusively to the point that other DD services are forced to make cuts in expenses and services and some may eventually be foreced out of business. Same goes for other multiplayer platforms out there as someone has to pay their bills as well. Also longer developers use steamworks features the harder it will be for them to cut ties with it as they either have fired the people that could program said features for them or it's been too long since their programmers programmed such features making them have to relearn how to do them from scrach.
I'm sure that EU or some other market monitoring agency will eventually step in and force Valve to detach steamworks from their store (so others may use it for multiplayer without ties to steam) to allow competitors change in the market but it will be too little too late as damage have been done by them. We should all know too well how slowly lawmakers gears work and how far behind laws and consumer rights are behind the times in current digital age.
Entertainment industry is also messing things up by spending billions of dollars in lobbying tighter IP laws and reduction of consumer rights all over the world (at the same time complaining shrinking profits :-p it's no wonder when they spend so much in lobbying, lawyers and fighting piracy). They don't seem to realise they're shooting them self in the foot in the long run as already it's difficult for them to do anything without stepping someone elses patent, intellectual property, copyright or trademark and thus we see them fight each other, their developers and artists in court almost everyday.
Sorry for the long rant :-p just felt like writing my view on the matter :-D
My feelings exactly Petrell.
Nice post.
Petrell: Sorry for the long rant :-p just felt like writing my view on the matter :-D

It's a nice, long rant. Well said. The entertainment industry is all going crazy, indeed.
Guess this growth in the DRM talks at the forums is associated with lots of new games becoming tied with steam, namely: Civ5, Fallout: New Vegas, Shogun 2, etc.
And the feeling that the number of titles will increase, just like the Total War series in the last two games and now going for the third. The same with the Warhammer 40,000 series.
Makes me wonder how a company who sells old games will get these games in the future, since they'll have to rework the code or scrap all the online features to be able to release the game.
And this is without talking about the mess which is the legal/copyrights/exclusivity/etc part of it, which is the greater part of the trouble.
Good post Petrell. :)
One question...IS Valve really in a near Monopoly position? Can they control product pricing across the gaming spectrum? Can they force the industry to bend to their will? I don't think so.
And don't get me started on industry you have movie studios going with the same mass lawsuits that even the music biz dropped because they didn't work. Brilliant...just brilliant...
Great remarks there, Petrell. I do hope too that there is some kind of anti-trust thing filed against Valve with Steamworks, like it was done for microsoft.