AFnord: At first I judged Jagged Alliance 2 by its (according to me) really unappealing graphics. I just thought that the game looked really boring and, well, unappealing. So I did not pick it up for quite a long time, thinking that "it was not a game for me".
Then I was persuaded to actually give it a shot, and boy was I wrong. Jagged Alliance 2 is now my favorite TBT.
Interested in Spycraft: The Great Game.
Congrats :o
Also, special mention to
ET3D: I'm never wrong. Also there's no giveaway condition on GOG that's impossible for me. That's what I thought. Then this giveaway came along, and I realised that if I'm always right I can't enter the giveaway, which means I'm wrong, which means that I
can enter the giveaway. Which means that I was right about that. Then my mind started to heat up until it exploded. So I can't enter.
for messing with my head. You didn't win anything, but you did amuse me :P