Namur: Are there any flags from GoA ?
Yes but it never appears in DA2. Might appear in DA3 but I highly doubt it. The flag is simply Golems complete y/n
KneeTheCap: But didn't they say that there are no flags from WH and Golems. at least at the moment?
The flags are:
Golems complete y/n
Witchunt complete y/n
Warden Kills Morrigan y/n
Warden leaves with Morrigan y/n
And that's about it. Other imports involve awakening
Sigurn, Velanna, Justice and Oghren have no entry at all. No matter what you do they survive.
Anders recruited y/n
Nathaniel recruited y/n
Nathaniel friend y/n
Vigilance made y/n
The Architecht is alive y/n
Vigilance is in DA2 it's just not implemented yet. Modders have added it. Possible future DLC