lukaszthegreat: what about gog? does a forum ban (if there is one) result in you being banned from games?
Delixe: Ask Ezri I guess.
As for the EA thing. I'm really... worried about the way RPS are covering this. Absolutely EA are way out of line for what they are doing but you don't get banned from forums for just saying the word e-peen. Something doesn't add up right with the offences. I mean we have all experienced trolls on lots of forums and it usually takes a lot for a Mod to actually wield the Banhammer in most places. Banned permanently for saying e-peen? It just doesn't sound right yet RPS are running with it.
I wonder if RPS have ever gone after Steam in with the same amount of venom over account problems? I would bet money they haven't.
Usually there is a heavy dose of self-serving in a banned member's claims. Including 99% of the flaming he was warned repeatedly but not banned for earlier. "News" sites looking for something sensational to report will accept the banned member's false account of his misconduct at face value.
There is no truth to be had in this story.
And yeah, if someone actually posted something akin to kiddie porn, or links to it, he should be immediately excluded from all facilities of the company hosting the forum, and a report made to law enforcement.