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I uninstalled Origin a few hours ago... and will probably forget about my Origin games as I did with my Impulse ones.

The client was giving me nothing but troubles activating both the original Crysis and its expansion, after the last update of the client.

Won't be installing it again in the next few months at least.
kavazovangel: I uninstalled Origin a few hours ago... and will probably forget about my Origin games as I did with my Impulse ones.

The client was giving me nothing but troubles activating both the original Crysis and its expansion, after the last update of the client.

Won't be installing it again in the next few months at least.
This would be the reason I buy EA games on console. Hell, for all we know, maybe that's their marketing strategy. Make support, forums and game service such a pain in the ass to handle, that the consumers themselves make a cognitive decision to move to consoles before they simply stop releasing PC games. Especially since console "gamers," a term I use loosely, are more likely to be mindlessly throwing their cash at any new releases coming out anyway.
liquidsnakehpks: wth , i should be careful with ea forums now....probably thrashed them a few times....
Comments like this are what make me think so much is missing to the RPS story. If you thrashed the company a few times and are still unbanned, then I highly doubt saying e-peen and providing a simple networking link would get others banned. Clearly there is more to the RPS story that isn't being told.

Either way, I guess I am finding it hard to raise a fuss about. It sucks terribly and it should not be happening, no argument there. However, so many gamers have embraced games as a service, and shown they are willing to give up complete control over everything. This is a side effect of such a system, companies now control our access and can do what they want on a whim. I imagine it will only get worse across all services as time goes on. Plenty of reports for mysterious/unjustified bans can already be found for a certain other service, they just don't receive as much attention as they are not EA.

Guess I am just cynical by this point though, especially after trying for so long to argue against gaming as a service and how volatile access to our games is becoming. So just ignore me and my rants for now. :)
Post edited November 14, 2011 by Kurina
liquidsnakehpks: wth , i should be careful with ea forums now....probably thrashed them a few times....
Kurina: Comments like this are what make me think so much is missing to the RPS story. If you thrashed the company a few times and are still unbanned, then I highly doubt saying e-peen and providing a simple networking link would get others banned. Clearly there is more to the RPS story that isn't being told.

Either way, I guess I am finding it hard to raise a fuss about. It sucks terribly and it should not be happening, no argument there. However, so many gamers have embraced games as a service, and shown they are willing to give up complete control over everything. This is a side effect of such a system, companies now control our access and can do what they want on a whim. I imagine it will only get worse across all services as time goes on. Plenty of reports for mysterious/unjustified bans can already be found for a certain other service, they just don't receive as much attention as they are not EA.

Guess I am just cynical by this point though, especially after trying for so long to argue against gaming as a service and how volatile access to our games is becoming. So just ignore me and my rants for now. :)
i mean i called them out legit , with the issues of burnout paradise and nfs hot pursuit have , no abuses like the ones rps have reported of what those users did , but still its the worst case that ea is banning someone from their games for saying something on the forums
i have dao and ME2 there (one retail key another steam key)...
if not all those dlc i have for both games, ill probably try it myself to see whether it is true or just bollocks.
Well, this changes nothing for me, except making me feel even better about my resolve to never buy an Origin product (dammit, why did they have to pollute that name so???)
LiquidOxygen80: Hell, for all we know, maybe that's their marketing strategy. Make support, forums and game service such a pain in the ass to handle, that the consumers themselves make a cognitive decision to move to consoles before they simply stop releasing PC games.
I thought, that's what UbiDRM is for.
what gives i went to check on my actually 60% of my topics are "hidden by a moderator" hahaha i wonder what actually you can post there
LiquidOxygen80: Hell, for all we know, maybe that's their marketing strategy. Make support, forums and game service such a pain in the ass to handle, that the consumers themselves make a cognitive decision to move to consoles before they simply stop releasing PC games.
grviper: I thought, that's what UbiDRM is for.
I lolled, but simply to play devil's advocate here, you have to logically think about it from the point of a major corporation. With PC games comes support issues, due to compatibility with either software or hardware, which could potentially cost them money. Money that they could be sucking from the more mainsteam console owners who have a proprietary platform that each one can develop for easily. They don't have to worry about top of the line engines, or worrying about what new hardware will be available during the window of their product's release, etc. Hell, with all the new multi-purpose functionality that's coming with each generation of consoles, it wouldn't surprise me at all if the major publishers just dropped PC games altogether. Especially when words like customer service and quality assurance are only used as buzzwords during press releases and inter office memos to cover up the fact that they view their customers as wallets with no other defining characteristics.

More importantly, though, unless gamers themselves realize that corporations stepping over the line should be punished in their pocketbooks, they'll continue infringing on their customers' rights.
Well, i'm certainly not blind to the out in the open campaign for a certain platform to the detriment of all other platforms out there carried out by the pro establishmet subservient web 'media', but...

The BSN boards follow the same guidelines as the EA boards, meaning, a temp/perma forum ban cuts you off from your content, and even though there was a clear "in-you-face" justification for most of the bans that were handed down during the BSN Dark Ages upon the release of that notoriously shitty Bioware game (no, not Sonic Chronicles), when it comes to others that justification was hard to find or not there at all, and some of them were in fact reversed which just made the ban look that much more arbitary.

Considering the ammount of shit (and flatout abuse at times) the folks monitoring those kind of boards have to put up with (and the ammount of stupid little children around that will report anything and everything under the sun either because they're fucking braths or souless drones or both) it doesn't surprise me one bit that at times their judgement when assigning a ban in not as reasonable as it should be - and that's why forum bans shoulddn't be tied to cut off's, not to mention that after the fact is hard to backpaddle, even if they wanted to, as it sends out the wrong kind of message.

Many folks on the BSN simply have two accounts now ( or had when i still borheterd lurkin' over there), one tied to their stuff and another one just to post as a means of protection from unfair cut off's brought about by unfair bans - which means that they are more or less locked out from posting in the boards that require game registration to post in, which in itself is ludicrous beyond belief and another 'feature' courtesy of that shitty game i mentioned before (no, not Shattered Steel), since said feature was implemented on its release aftermath to try to keep criticism contained.

So yeah, the shortcommings of that other platform should be pointed out, this pitfall should be pointed out as well, and to RPS credit they do state in the' article' that the main point is that bans and cut off's have no business being tied togheter, which is nothing but good ol' common sense really. Perma bans from the boards when justified? Absolutely. Perma cut off's from content you paid money for as a bonus ? Fuck, no.

"The thing to stress at this point is, no matter the reason – nor how valid the reason – someone may have been locked out of their forum accounts, on no circumstances should this affect their ability to play games. There are a whole separate set of rules that might see someone locked out of their EA account (and the legality of these, and EA’s rights to prevent someone from playing a game they’ve paid for without offering a refund, are another matter entirely), and one should not affect the other."
Namur: that shitty game i mentioned before (no, not Shattered Steel)
I liked Jade Empire :p
Delixe: I liked Jade Empire :p
Esit: Oh, wait, i just got it, can't believe i didn't get it the first time around ;)

Hope you are feeling better, can't imagine the weekend was anything to toot about with that ears business.
Post edited November 14, 2011 by Namur
Namur: Esit: Oh, wait, i just got it, can't believe i didn't get it the first time around ;)

Hope you are feeling better, can't imagine the weekend was anything to toot about with that ears business.
Thanks to the magic of swallowing a shitload of tablets I am no longer in abject desk punching agony thanks for asking :)
I think I'll buy a GoG game. Time to visit my wishlist... Thanks GoG for DRM games I can play whenever and however I want ;)

I chose Fahrenheit. Woot, what a great game! Thanks, EA, for reminding me to be a loyal customer.
An IRL friend of mine was a jerk and a troll on the WoW forums and also ingame, but at least there, if you said something ban-worthy on the forums, you only got banned on the forums themselves. In order to get banned ingame, you actually had to do something ban-worthy IN THE GAME ITSELF.

Really, the validity of ban-worthy offenses is a totally different issue. I actually had a different friend of mine get banned for saying "fag" (meaning cigarette) in LOTRO, and they refused to repeal the ban even though it was painfully obvious from the context that he was talking about smoking. Though both of the issues are related to someone else having power over your account, the core of the problem is different.