Antimateria: So what game has the best sex scene or most comical?
In my opinion I guess it's in The Witcher 2, even though it's a bit forced.
No wait.. My favorite has to be in Dragon age: origins, of course with Morrigan.
Skyrim could have used some romance. 300 hours and I'm married, it's allowed. =P
It was just, now you are married. That's it.
That game is bit poor in that sense.
The best handled sex scene(s) by far can be found in
Fahrenheit (or Indigo Prophecy). They don't exist to titillate but happen organically within the story (or in one case not at all, depending on your ingame choices) and reaffirm/reflect the respective characters' emotional state. They're handled very tastefully with a focus on the interpersonal instead of the mere physical aspects or a sort of "achievement hunt".
That's what we need more of.