Aliasalpha: Whats the release date supposed to be? I could swear blind that last night when I looked, it says the game would unlock in 1 day & say 4 hours but now its saying its over 3 days. Have they gone and changed the release date on me?
You've possibly got bumped from the NA release date to the EU release date. Soz.
While we're here, Eurogamer has begun the process of lifting the lid on the DLC. The 360 version will be a timed exclusive, launching
"in the holiday period" with presumably PS3 and PC versions in the new year.
The NMA folk, while waiting for the review embargo to end (tomorrow!), have been collecting tidbits from
Twitter. Only one with a downer is Tom Chick, to absolutely no-one's surprise.
Finally, Dark0ne's gone a jumped the gun.
New Vegas Nexus is open and ready for all your modding needs. Shame there isn't any because, y'know, the game isn't out yet.