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SirPrimalform: For some reason your link to the signup board links instead to this page.
no it doesn't
SirPrimalform: For some reason your link to the signup board links instead to this page.
JoeSapphire: no it doesn't
Not any more... What's weirder is link caught in my quote of you links to the post after mine. Wha?
Does someone intends to host another game? There is only one running right now so there is palce for another one.
I am adding myself to the list. Only to last place, thoguh, I have setup in mind but nothing definite so far.
I'll do one!

gog Mafia #8 II

But actually I think X and Damnation have both said they have stuff. I think the queue is looking something like:

Joe (in process)

Rob Beasy
Well, with Game 8 in hiatus, and the question brought up rather big, I figured maybe we should sit down and try to figure out how to keep deadlines from going out of control or becoming very restrictive.

Day 1 in particular, because the RVS stage can last a while, but a strict deadline can be extremely harmful to the town in general because there's no way of knowing when RVS will die out, and getting a few votes going and arguing.

Hmmmmm, honestly, maybe a flexable deadline? The mod judging when things are either way too quiet, or when we're just going in circles and need to get our shit together?
I think when I do mine im going to do day 0 actions, Have any kills disabled to insure people do get to play at least a day or have it so the mafia HAVE to kill me. I think 2 weeks is a fair amount of time for a day.

Im thinking maybe with a set deadline, we can perhaps vote extend maybe once or twice a game that way its not going to last forever and theres just some days where you feel it hasnt made any breakthrough

Game 8 day one for example wasnt the greatest, A player arguement lasted 2-3 days and pretty much killed the conversation till the deadline loomed...

Though I find the first couple of days drag and it can perhaps be a deterrant to the newer players when day one can drag for weeks upon end, Simply as its always a stab in the dark unless somebody really slips and drops themself in it. This only nearly happened in #5

If I get a day off monday(ive worked 35 straight by then so better) I can get number 9 set up for the 24th october unless someone else wants to do it before me?
Still working on my game as having trouble balancing a few twists I want to include.

As for deadlines there great if there's a lack of activity otherwise the game should just be allowed to flow. Day 1 game 2 seemed to last ages but I for one really enjoyed it.

In my game i'd probably random lynch if a deadline is missed. The idea of day 0 actions is interesting as it would give the town more info.
Am trying to look up some other ways of getting through RVS, although I think we do things a lot differently then other places.
As I said in M8, I don't know where I dug up that formula (or made it up?), but I feel a fair deadline would be something along the lines (number of living players + 2) days. It definitely has to depend on the number of people; getting a 7-man wagon going will inevitably take longer than a week.

Flexible deadlines are always an option, but again, I think you can't really burst into a day when nothing really happened and say "alright, you have a week left, chums"; that would have pretty much the same effect seen in M9. That's why I'm in favour of having (more generous) deadlines in from the very start. M6 and M7 convinced me we have to do that on this site. I'm not sure why, but it is a fact we do take our sweet time.
bazilisek: I'm not sure why, but it is a fact we do take our sweet time.
I like to think it is because we are all playing GOGs.
My two cents about post restrictions, as this is becoming an important topic in M8:

When you are deciding whether to include a post restriction, there are two questions you should ask yourself:

1. Why am I doing this?
2. How do I enforce the restriction?

In my game (M5) the restriction was there to make the town tracker slightly weaker, as the whole setup tended to be unfair towards the mafia. It also worked nicely with the flavour and I though it would be fun. That's the answer to the first question. If the tracker failed to meet the restriction, his ability was unusable at night. That's the answer to the second question.

The only other way to enforce a restriction is a threat of modkill. And with a threat like that, particularly if the restriction has no real purpose, you have to wonder why it was included in the first place, as it brings only dubious entertainment value in exchange for something that is tedious for both the restricted (who has to think about it when writing even simple one or two sentence posts) and the mod (who has to check all the posts to make sure), with punishment for disobedience being way too serious for the "offence".

There's also one more question:

3. Do I want the restriction to be obvious or not?

There is no clear cut answer to that, but with an obvious restriction, you are inevitably drawing attention to the player. Which of course opens a WIFOM: Would the mod openly draw attention to scum, which would seriously upset the balance of the game? Or would the mod expect everyone to figure out this would upset the balance of the game and decide to do it as a twist? Etc, etc. Which is not necessarily bad, but it does get close to bastard mod territory, which is something that should be advertised in advance.
ViolatorX: If I get a day off monday(ive worked 35 straight by then so better) I can get number 9 set up for the 24th october unless someone else wants to do it before me?
Is your setup ready? No one else has said they're ready, so I guess it's your turn. I'm ready to try being in two games at once...
ViolatorX: If I get a day off monday(ive worked 35 straight by then so better) I can get number 9 set up for the 24th october unless someone else wants to do it before me?
SirPrimalform: Is your setup ready? No one else has said they're ready, so I guess it's your turn. I'm ready to try being in two games at once...
signups will start soon just writing flavor, Actually hell with it, I'll do the signups now I can write the rest of it and have it started by the end of the week.
Post edited October 24, 2011 by ViolatorX
ViolatorX: ...
ViolatorX: ...
SirPrimalform: Woo!

Can I send you the flavor that sets the game scene? need a second opinion of if its fitting or just sounds over the top.....