I'd like to be in for NWN and Zeus+Poseidon please!
My pleasant experience on the forums would have to be quite early on, related to Baldur's Gate. I'd got the disk copies of both games + expansions for a birthday or Christmas present several years ago, but had found that I was unable to play ToB as it claimed it was American only (and I'm in the UK). Amazon wasn't helpful, and knowing I couldn't finish the story, I wasn't able to stay motivated to even get far into BG1, so it was just left on my pile of games CDs.
When I came to GOG (recently, as you can tell from my registration date: I was attracted by Dungeon Keeper), I saw that the games were available for sale, and had their own forum. I found myself wanting to go back and actually play the games. As I don't have much money to spend on games, though, I didn't want to spend about £8 on a game which I already had, albeit in a non-working format. In desperation, I put a question on the forums about it. Within hours, someone (Olnorton, so if you happen to read this Olnorton, thanks again!) had explained the (embarrassingly simple) solution to me. A friend also bought the game from GOG to replace the disk copy he'd lost some time ago, so we're now playing through the games for the first time (and trying to adjust to 2e dnd rules from the 3.5 we're used to using).
The fact that someone took the time to explain it, and...be helpful was what really first gave me the idea of what this community was like. The official and unofficial giveaways (and ludicrously cheap prices and sales) definitely confirmed and reinforced that, but that thread was when I realised what a good community this is :)
As for my reasons for wanting the games:
As you might have realised if you read the above, I play dnd, so NWN would always have been on my 'to play' list for that reason. Oddly, though, I heard about it before 'dungeons' ever became synonymous with 'dragons' in my mind. In fact, it was while I was browsing a website related to my passion then and now: gamebooks (books with a branching structure where you, along with some dice rolling, decides what happens: basically RPGs in book format) that I came across an adaptation of one of the books to a 'module' for a game called 'Neverwinter Nights' which I'd never heard of. I kept coming across the name, but it was only when I found GOG that I found out about it. Now it's on my list of games to play once I clear my backlog, along with Planescape: Torment and one or two others. If only GOG would stop offering such good value sales... :) So yes, NWN has been a game which has been shadowing me for a long time now, but which I've never actually been able to play.
Zeus is a rather shorter reason: the recent city builder sale awakened in me the wish to play one, and so when I chose games to buy with £10 I'd been given for Christmas, I decided to buy one. I narrowed it down to Pharaoh or Zeus, and decided (correctly, I still feel) on Pharaoh, but would like to try Zeus as well.
Well, whether I win or not, thanks for the generous giveaway!
Post edited January 15, 2013 by pi4t