WhiteElk: Wow we got an exciting finish ahead of us with so many 6 pointers heading into the final question.
We may have to do a couple extra questions for tiebreakers and what not.
1. Icepowdah: 6
2. MoP: 6
3. Garugo: 3
4. Rodzaju: 3
5. 8BitGinno: 6
6. AdiJager: 1
7. CowboyBebop: 3
8. WhiteElk: 6
-1 pt. for being the first one to offer the correct answer (regardless of round),
-1 pt. for answering correctly on the second guess.
To make it interesting, points will be doubled for the final question!!!! 4 pts for a correct 1st guess, 2 pts for a correct 2nd guess! Selected at random among current top scorers, White Elk may pick a category.
stoicsentry: The answer was: Subway ("Tube"?). I bet you in other countries your subway stations are better lit, so I hope you didn't get thrown off by the darkness bit, but I'm in New York, what do you expect?
icepowdah: Wanted to go at some point for a communist mineshaft where propaganda music rings in the megaphones while miners might or might not enjoy the ambiance :)
LOL hilarious.
8BitGinno: How do you plan to do tie breakers? There might be one, hehe.
We'll see. This is a double point round so maybe that helps :)