bazilisek: Sorry if you already discussed it, because it hasn't been covered here:
Do you think the wiki should include a price history for the games? It could be useful for the bargain hunters out there. If you wanted to do that, I'd be willing go back through the newsposts and make a spreadsheet of it or something; I think all the information on past promos can still be traced down, or at least most of it. Then again, I can imagine some fairly strong arguments against, so if you don't want to do that, I'm fine with it.
In any case, you deserve a lot of respect for doing this, guys and gals. Thanks.
I don't know... MAYbe (with a big MAY) we could include the time of the last sale. Personally I'm against it, the price range on GOG isn't that big, so sales aren't critically important.
There could be something like a public spreadsheet the wiki would link to. But I'm still skeptical...
Never the less, it is nice to know people are coming up with their own ideas on how to improve the wiki.